22. 11. 2014 - 23.00

What we call "understanding a sentence" has, in many cases, a much greater similarity to understanding a musical theme than we might be inclined to think. But I don't mean that understanding a musical theme is more like the picture which one tends to make oneself of understanding a sentence; but rather that this picture is wrong, and that understanding a sentence is much more like what really happens when we understand a tune than at first sight appears. For understanding a sentence, we say, points to a reality outside the sentence. Whereas one might say "Understanding a sentence means getting hold of its content; and the content of the sentence is in the sentence."


[1] Michael Pisaro / Joe Panzner / Greg Stuart - White Metal 2 

[2] Pouya Ehsaei - There #6,7 

[3] Mathias Delplanque - Part 4 

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