answering telephones, making photocopies, making deliveries, preparing coffee, getting lunch for senior employees, running personal errands for senior employees, and other similar duties.
7. 6. 2014 - 23.00
* naslovnica / Klavdija Jeršinovec
make it B!?
fuck off
_moonraker - II
Dale Cornish - Xeric Pattern 1
_moonraker - I
Dale Cornish - Xeric Pattern 2
Foodman - N GA FU FU
Traxman - Electro Tekk (feat. DJ Fred)
Jay Daniel - Royal Dilemma
Taylor Deupree - Sea Last (06.05.08)
Prikaži Komentarje
Cornish je res the shyet, tenks za ponovno obuditev misli nanj, sem mal pozabu nanj v zadnjem času.
posnetek za zamudnike je gor..
res je hud cornish, tale nov cd sploh najhudejši do zdej. bo treba kej napisat tud..
ajd, hvala za prisluh..