See-thru Black Foreground
"from looped ululations to neo-Metal growl to seductive French drawl with startling assuredness"... "a marauding snare drum boogaloo perpetually falling in on itself, like Gene Krupa on goofballs, as phantom orchestral melodies fizz plunderphonic-style from speaker to speaker. From here on out it just gets stranger." Alex Neilson / Wire
"I know this will appear very simplistic, but I think that choosing to work within a non-mainstream system, self-releasing records (or releasing them on like-minded labels), playing low budget concerts is a choice that has very strong social implications. I'm not interested in using the word 'artist'. What we do has much more to do with small scale economy, sustainability and the necessity to remain an independent individual." Giuseppe Ielasi /
Poslušamo muzike:
(Hinterzimmer Records, 2012 Reissue)
Ghedalia Tazartes je francoski glasbenik rojen v Parizu leta 1947. Do danes je nanizal vrsto izdaj. Ravno v zadnjem času kapljajo novi vinili za nazaj, zelo razpoloženjsko in slogovno raznolike plošče. Pravzaprav povsem neujemljive.
(Entr'acte, 2012)
Giuseppe Ielasi katerega glasbo smo v Muzikaliji z duetom Bellows že predstavili, je milanski domačin, sicer improvizator, založnik, mojster masteringa in miksa. Skozi njegove izdaje lahko sledimo muzikalijam v nuji življenja.
Tezartes in Ielasi sta na prvi prisluh dovolj nezgodna kombinacija za tole parčkanje v Muzikalíji, vendar ju pravzaprav druži marsikaj, od zaljubljenosti v konkretno glasbo in uporabe mnogoterih metodologij zvočenja, pa do delovanja v od-povednem podtalju samoiniciiranih mikro-ekonomij in ponašanja s prav poetičnimi imeni.
Giuseppe Ielasi – Untitled 2
Ghédalia Tazartès – Vingt-Trois
Ghédalia Tazartès – Huit
Giuseppe Ielasi – Untitled 5
Giuseppe Ielasi – Untitled 6
Giuseppe Ielasi – Untitled 7
Ricardo Villalobos & Max Loderbauer – Reshadub
Ghédalia Tazartès – Un
Ben Vida - Qweek Plus Enner (Outro Too)
A Made Up Sound - Malfunction (Despair)
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