
21. 9. 2019 - 11.00

Seznam predvajanja

1. Swans - It's Coming It's Real
     Swans FB, Swans BC, Swans HP
2. Subhumans - Strange Land
3. Subhumans - Punk Machine
4. Subhumans - Poison
     Subhumans FB, Subhumans BC, Subhumans HP
5. Chelsea Wolfe - American Darkness
6. Chelsea Wolfe - Be All Things
     Chelsea Wolfe FB, Chelsea Wolfe BC, Chelsea Wolfe HP
7.  Молчат Дома ‎– Звезды // Molchat Doma - Zvezdy
     Molchat Doma FB, Molchat Doma BC, Molchat Doma HP
8. Legendary Pink Dots - Maid to Measure
9. Legendary Pink Dots - The Photographer
     Legendary Pink Dots FB, Legendary Pink Dots BC, Legendary Pink Dots HP
10. The Comet is Coming - Lifeforce Part II
       The Comet is Coming FB, The Comet is Coming BC, The Comet is Coming HP
11. Danny Brown - Best Life
      Danny Brown FB, Danny Brown HP

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