
da mind of traxman vol 2
4. 5. 2014 - 15.00


>> Wreck & ReferenceCorpse Museum 

[ WANT, 10. junij pri The Flenser ]



>> KyokaPiezo Version Vision

>> KyokaNew Energy Shuffle

[ IS ( IS SUPERPOWERD), maja pri Raster-Noton ]



>> FatimaRidin Round (Sky High)

[ YELLOW MEMORIES, 12. maja pri založbi Eglo ]


robots don't sleep

>> Robots Don't SleepSatellite Falls

>> Robots Don't SleepHold It Down

[ MIRROR, aprila pri Four Music ]


low leaf

>> Low LeafSet me Free

>> Low LeafRise Up

[ AKASHAALAY, aprila pri Fresh Selects ]


gazelle twin

>> Gazelle TwinAnty Body

>> Gazelle Twin Belly of the Beast

[ UNFLESH, konec maja pri Anti-Ghost Moon Ray ]


da mind of traxman vol 2

>> TraxmanNothing Stays the Same

>> Traxman Make Love to Me

>> TraxmanCan Nutin Hold Me Back

[ DA MIND OF TRAXMAN VOL 2, 16, maja pri Planet MU ]



>> SculptureHackle Scam Populator

[ MEMBRANE POP, 13. maja pri Software Recording Co.]




Sculpture - Hackle Scam Populator

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