Songs The Cramps Taught Us Vol. 3


The Cramps so s svojim občutkom za odkrivanje rock'n'roll zgodovine razširili obzorja številnim oboževalcem. Predstavljamo kompilacijo Songs The Cramps Taught Us Vol. 3, ki nas opominja, kje so iskali The Cramps svojo inspiracijo. Odkrivali so stare rock'n'roll plošče, jih nadgrajevali in razvijali v svoj enkraten in neponovljiv slog. The Cramps so bili pri svojem početju unikatni, bili so eden od najpomembnejših rock'n'roll bendov, toda tudi njihovi vzorniki so prav super. V prihodnji oddaji bomo vrteli tudi kompilacijo Songs The Cramps Taught Us Vol. 4


1 Nat Couty – Woodpecker Rock (Burn She Devil Burn)
2 Macy Skip Skipper* – Bop Pills
3 Blues Rockers, The – Calling All Cows (Corn Fed Dames)
4 Mac Rebennack – Storm Warning (Corn Fed Dames)
5 Larry Phillipson – Bitter Feelings (Upside Down & Inside Out)
6 Terry Dunavan – Earthquake Boogie (Hulass Hyena)
7 Sonics, The – He's Waiting (New Kind Of Kick)
8 Fanatics, The* – I Will Not Be Lonely (New Kind Of Kick)
9 Instrumentals, The – Chop Suey Rock (Can Your Pussy Do The Dog)
10 Del Raney's Umbrellas – Can Your Hossie Do The Dog (Can Your Pussy Do The Dog)
11 Shades, The (2) – Strolling After Dark (I Was A Teenage Werewolf)
12 Jackie Lee Cochran – Georgia Lee Brown
13 Lonnie Allen – You'll Never Change Me
14 Jerry Warren – Rompin' (The Natives Are Restless)
15 Kai Ray – I Want Some Of That (The Natives Are Restless)
16 Junior Thompson – How Cme You Do Me
17 Rhythm Rockers, The* – Madness (God Monster)
18 Warren Smith (3) – Uranium Rock
19 Kit & The Outlaws – Don't Tread On Me (Nest Of The Cuckoo Bird)
20 Flower Children, The – Miniskirt Blues
21 Standells, The – Sometimes Good Guys Don't Wear White
22 Dave Diddle Day* – Blue Moon Baby

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