Lykathea Aflame: Elvenfris

3. 6. 2023 - 13.00

Obscene Productions, 2000


O edinem albumu čeških death metal progresivcev Lykathea Aflame, Elvenfris, se večinoma piše le v superlativih.

Eden takih zapisov je:

'Elvenefris' is an album that must be listened to carefully in order to be fully apreciated. Too experimental for a 'Brutal Death Metal' purist, and too brutal for a 'Progressive Metal' elitist, but for those with enough open mind, will recognize that the mix of these factors give an authentic sound to the style 'Lykathea' applies in their music. A classic that always sound fresh, and with just a decade of history, 'Elvenefris' constantly shows us that is possible to keep pushing the stereotypes of the most extreme and progressive side of metal.

... An album that takes you into a quest into the deep unknown, but ... guided by light. (Vir:

Če to drži – ali ne – pa se bomo prepričali v sobotni epizodi oddaje Razširjamo obzorja.


Lykathea Aflame - Land Where Sympathy Is Air

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