Vida Vojić
Vida Vojič prihaja iz Gothenburga na Švedskem in ustvarja pod psevdonimom vida voyage. Je multidisciplinarna umetnica – rock zvezda, pisateljica, glasbenica, filmarka in performerka, sama sebe pa smatra za »tvojo uporniško prijateljico«.
Jutri bo nastopila v Cirkulaciji2 s svojim solo performansom, ki vključuje uporabo bobnov, dronov in akademske raziskave za drobljenje časa.
O performansu zapiše:
»The time has come to fuck time up. Everything you know is wrong, cause the wrong person informed you, for decades, or centuries, or even millennia?
This will be a time travel event, seeking to fuck up and rewrite the story of humanity in 45min. Vida, your hero, or maybe your enemy, is coming to fuck time up.
Vida is returning for another residency at C² - this time backed up by drums, drones and academic research. (Although the work is still in progress… expect something along those lines).
Join us at full moon and prepare yourselves for a final exam, sinners.«
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