Daniel Bachman, Douglas McCombs, Erlend Apneseth

30. 11. 2022 - 22.00

V tokratnem izboru glasbenih novosti: Daniel Bachman z albumom Almanac BehindErlend Apneseth s ploščo Nova ter Douglas Andrew McCombs, ki je izdal album z naslovom VMAK<KOMBZ<<<DUGLAS<<<6NDR7<<<.


01 Erlend Apneseth - Ly

02 Daniel Bachman - Daybreak (In The Awful Silence)

03 Daniel Bachman - Flood Stage

04 Daniel Bachman - Gust Front (The Waiting)

05 Daniel Bachman - Think Before You Breathe

06 Douglas McCombs - Green Crown's Step

07 Douglas McCombs - To Whose Falls Shallows

08 Erlend Apneseth - Skuggespel

09 Erlend Apneseth - Speglingar

10 Erlend Apneseth - Gravsong

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