Fiver, Alice, Walker, Bedford, Veirs

8. 3. 2023 - 22.00

S tokratnim glasbenim sporedom, ki je pregled novosti, namenjamo večjo pozornost albumu L'Oiseau Magnifique zasedbe Alice ter zadnji plošči Soundtrack To A More Radiant Sphere The Joe Wallace Mixtape glasbenice Fiver. Prisotni bodo tudi Ben Walker, Ben Bedford ter Laura Veirs.


01 Fiver - Sacco & Vanzetti

02 Ben Walker - Starlings

03 Ben Walker - The Way Through the Woods

04 Ben Walker - Showers On Ascension Day

05 Alice - La santé

06 Alice - Un oiseau magnifique

07 Alice - Pense à moi

08 Alice - Nous marchons

09 Alice - Deux mille trains

10 Alice - Du fil à recoudre

11 Laura Veirs - Signal

12 Ben Bedford - In the Court of the Bear

13 Fiver - Golden Guests

14 Fiver - Working Class Coinage

15 Fiver - Stuff My Vaults

16 Fiver - Rosemary & Rue

17 Fiver - Too Far, Too Fair

18 Fiver - Your Arm Is Strong Enough

19 Fiver - Wallace Goes To Russia

20 Alice - Le clown

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