Marisa Anderson, Dave Miller

2. 11. 2022 - 22.00

Z albumom Still, Here, ki ga je izdala Marisa Anderson ter albumom Daughter Of Experience, ki ga je izdal Dave Miller, bomo poslušali kitarsko obarvan izbor glasbe.


01 Marisa Anderson - In Dark Water

02 Dave Miller - Hopeless Fearless

03 Dave Miller - The Single Petal of a Rose

04 Dave Miller - And Haze and Vista

05 Dave Miller - Lushing

06 Marisa Anderson - The Fire This Time

07 Marisa Anderson - The Low Country

08 Marisa Anderson - Waking

09 Marisa Anderson - The Crack Where the Light Gets In

10 Marisa Anderson - Beat the Drum Slowly

11 Dave Miller - Wonderful


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