
27. 3. 2018 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y  1 1 0 8 / 1 3 8 3 torek, 27/3.2018. ob 23-ih

Punk hrup iz Quita: Errantes, Disbrigade in La Ultima Especie del Mono + poulični punk iz Bogote Primer Régimen. Prvi album imajo crust punkerji Vlaar, na to politični hcpunk z zahodnega brega ZDA Generation decline in Babylon. Od koncetov: Siberian Meat grinder, Left To Starve, Rules in Self-Titled.

ERRANTES - "Cutrëfacto Dbeat desde el Centro del Mundo"  split MC w/ Disbrigade, La ultima especie del mono

– Erantes


– Verano Tóxico

– Seres despreciables


– Alimaña

– Ganado (Nuevo album)

– Basura (Nuevo album)

PRIMER RÉGIMEN - "Ultimo testamento" (2018)

– Solución Mortal

VLAAR - s/t LP (2018)

– Chroniqueur Apocryphe

– Ivresses

– Suomis(E)

– Contrat á vie

GENERATION DECLINE - "Nothing Left For us" LP (2018)

– Black Snake

– Complacency

– Refugee

BABYLON - "Back To Brink" EP (2018)

– S.W.A.M.P.E.D.

- Unwanted

SIBERIAN MEAT GRINDER - "Metal Bear Stomp" CD (2017)

– Ruder Than Thou

– No Sleep Till Hell

LEFT TO STARVE - "Praznina" EP (2018)

- Putokaz

RULES - s/t MC (2016)

– Disconnected

SELF-TITLED - "Becoming Bald" EP (2017)

–  The Story


Od koncertov:

(sreda) 28.3. Zagreb, Vintage: Siberian Meat Grinder, Shin;

(sreda) 28.3. Zagreb, Močvara: Red Gaze, Cold Leather, Drotpad;

(petek) 30.3. Ljubljana, Jalla: Rules, Left To Starve;

(petek) 30.3. N. Gorica, Mostovna: Beer For Breakfast, GUB;

(sobota) 31.3. Ljubljana, Channel Zero Backstage, GUB, Kreshesh nepitash;


Primer Régimen
Generacion decline

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