»In the eyes of madmen, we are just figures on a chart«

1. 3. 2022 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y  1 3 1 3 / 1 6 0 8  torek, 1/3.2022. ob 23-ih

Tragedy! iz Ukrajine, metalcore Strike Each Other in emocore band JanPalach. Reizdaja prvega albuma belgijskih crusterjev Hiatus. Nemški d-beat crust Kuoleman Teatteri ima prvi album. Po dolgem času novi posnetki Kill Your Idols – split z njihovimi frendi Rule Them All. Londonski hc Clobber in Antrum iz Barcelone. Novi posnetki punk projekta Oziris iz Novega mesta.

TRAGEDY – "Nerve Damage" LP (2006, Tragedy Records) 

– Eyes of Madness

JANPALACH – "I Am The Thunder" EO (2020)

– I Am The Thunder

HIATUS – "From Resignation...To Revolt" reissue (1993/2022, Ruin Nation)

– In The Beginning…

– Upper Class Crisis

– Mindlesss Fucked Up Movement

– Unbearable Calvary Murders

KUOLEMAN TEATTERI – "Dast Way To Die" (2021)

Fuck Your Life

– World Burns To Death

– More Beer

– Fast Way To Die

KILL YOUR IDOLS – split w/ Rule Them All

Simple, Short & Fast


Uneasy Faith

CLOBBER – "Tribal Rites of the New Friday Night" EP (2022)

Karens, Gammons, Hippies And Conspiracies

– The World's Gone Mental

– Tottenham Court Road

ANTRUM – "Destruccion cada dia" Demo (2022)

Destruccion cada dia

– Condenados

– Mort en vida

OZIRIS – "Duplo truplo" (2022)


– Imam svoj blues

STRIKE EACH OTHER - "Merciless" (2020)


Kuoleman Teatteri

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