Lockdown Punk Rock Radio

8. 12. 2020 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y  1 2 4 9 / 1 5 4 4  torek, 8/12.2020. ob 23-ih

Komad "Lockdown punk rock radio" in angleški Distance. Frišna albuma nemških crusterjev Exilent ter hardkorovcev iz Nikaragve Rexurgir. Nova EP-ja avstralskih Total Defeat in No Future. Nova albuma napovedujejo hardkorovci xRisalex iz Turčije in Eternal Struggle iz Izraela. Proti koncu tudi reizdaja prvega album hc benda Mortality Rate iz Kanade kot tudi novi album crusterjev Drömspell iz Italije.

DISTANCE  "Lockdown 2.0" EP (2020)

– Lockdown Punk Rock Radio

– Life On Repeat

– Nature's Vengeance

EXILENT - "Beyond Remedy" LP (2020)

– Human Fronted

– Blessings From Kremlin

– Without Compulsion

– Vanisher Lives

REXURGIR - "Números En la Memoria" CD (2020)

– Ceremonia

– Pequeña Escena

– Traidor

– Resurgir

xRISALEx - forthcoming album

– Deceitful

ETERNAL STRUGGLE - "Year of the gun" (2021)

– Indoctrination

TOTAL DEFEAT - "Dreg" 7"EP (2020, Televised Society)

– Void

– Underneath

NO FUTURE - "Delirous void" (2020, Televised Society)

– Meaningless

– Living In Fear

MORTALITY RATE - "Sleep deprivation" (2020/2016)

– Forms of Fear

– Plaster

– Nerve Damage

– Climate Change

DRÖMSPELL - "Barberie Futura" (2020)

– Barbarie Futura

Etermal Struggle

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