Nunca Se Esqueca Da Guerra

5. 7. 2022 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y  1 3 3 1 / 1 6 2 6  torek, 5/7.2022. ob 23-ih

Raw mangel kang punk Verdict, d-beat Parasit in kanadski Phane. Prvi album imajo osiješki Smrt razuma, pojavila se je reizdaja zadnjega albuma brazilskih Agrotoxico. Split bendov iz Češke Strage di stato in Death Culture Deprivation ter split dveh bendov z Nove Zelandije Caradine Choke in AntiStasi. Madridski blackened crust Mist of Doom.

VERDICT – forthcoming album

– Bound To Fail

PARASIT - forthcoming album

– Det är försent

– Livets slut

PHANE - "10 vharged trax" LP (2022, Phobia records)

– Liar

– Cockroaches

SMRT RAZUMA – "Nova era mraka" (2022)

– Epidemija 21. stoljeća

– Stid i bol

– Krvožder

AGROTOXICO – "XX" (2013/2022, Dead Invoices Records)

– Nunca Se Esqueca Da Guerra

– Mar de Cruzes

– Quem Podera Ficar De Pe

– Neoliberalismo Em Ataque Frontal

STRAGE DI STATO - split w/.  DCD

– Nasytit se nevinné krve

– Větší než malé množství kapitalismu


– Prach

– Osviceni

– Nenarozeni

ANTISTASI – split w/. Caradine Choke (2021)

– Get Out


– Panic Cycle

– In Name Only

MIST OF DOOM – "Revenge of the Ancient Gods" (2022)

– The Earth Dies Screaming

– Rats


Smrt razuma

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