Progreso = mentira

7. 5. 2013 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y 8 5 4 / 1 1 4 9 torek, 7/5.2013. ob 23-ih

Novi posnetki švedskih Warvictims in sicer s splita z japonskimi Dropend. Potem finski The Escapist, ter split španskih Venganza in Antidroga. S kompilacije A New World in Our Hearts: This is Brainwash, Power is Poison, Stuck in a Rut ter Dark Horse. Od koncertov - antifa večer v Zagreb (Dick Cheney in Šutnja); v Sloveniji pa Arrested Denied, Meth Drinker, Countdown in Link.

WARVITIMS - split w/. Dropend 7" (Rawmantic Disaster Records, 2013)

– Dehumanisering

- Ingen gloria lyser

DROPEND - "Demonstration" EP; 2012

- Self Creation (Not Puppet)

The ESCAPIST - S/T EP, 2012

– So Tired

- Suggestion

VENGANZA - "Zaragoza Letal" split CD, 2012

– Estado del bienestar

– Progreso = mentira


– Arritmia

– Zaragoza Letal

V/A "A New World In Our Hearts"

THIS IS BRAINWASH – You Didn’t Just Turn Into

POWER IS POISON – Stront Front

STUCK IN A RUT – Faith Defiler

DARK HORSE – Nichts Ist Vergessen

ARRESTED DENIAL - "Our Best Record So Far", CD 2012

– Go Away

– Welcome

DICK CHENEY - "Ready To Go Hunting" EP, 2012

– Changes Today

– Background Of Genocide


– Nešto realno (1. demo, 2010)

– Ay Carmela (2013)

METH DRINKER - split w/.Moloch

– 2 Minutes Hate

COUNTDOWN - "Blinded Souls" EP, 2013

– In A Dying World

LINK - "Chapter II", CD; 2011

- Control

– The End Of All

Od koncertov:

(sreda) 8.5. Ljubljana, Gromka: Link, Iamdisease;

(sreda) 8.5. Kostanjek pri Krškem, Pizdun plac: StillBust, Thekidisfireworks;

(petek) 10.5. Ljubljana, Gromka: Graves At Sea, Meth Drinker, Leechfeast;

(petek) 10.5. Murska Sobota, MIKK: Countdown, In the Croosfire, Pissing in the Wind, Free Ride;

(petek) 10.5. Olika pri Gračišču, Obala: Trifor60, Svinjske tačke, Neverend, S.T.O.P, Kurvini sinovi...:)

(sobota) 11.5. Ljubljana, Menza: Arrested Denial, The Homebreakers, Radiostorm;

(sobota) 11.5. Maribor, Pekarna: Multiball, Trash Candy

(sobota) 11.5. Zagreb, Medika – Antifa Night: Dick Cheney, Šutnja, What Matter Most, Abergaz:

(torek) 14.5. Nova Gorica, Mostovna: Strung Out;

21. Monte Paradiso Festival (2.-3.8.2013.)
Mob 47 (Sweden); Restarts (UK); Iskra (Canada); Agent Attitude (Sweden); Desperat (Sweden); Antares (Italy); Black Gust (Croatia); Reflections of Internal Rain (Serbia); Nihilizzm (Poland); Stregesti (Poland); My Man Mike (South Korea); Scheisse Minnelli (Germany); Danny Trejo (Italia); Daša Fon Fl’aša (Slovakia).

Power Is Poison
Dark Horse

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