Troops of Tomorrow

2. 6. 2015 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y 9 6 1 / 1 2 5 6   torek, 2/6.2015. ob 23-ih

Brazilski crust d-beat naval s Subterror in Distanásia! Novi album d-beat mojstrov iz Prage, Fear of Extinction ter portlandskih Warcry. Vroč je ep stare ljubljanske zasedbe Grupa 92. Od koncertov: The Vibrators, Parkway Drive, Ajax, Nailed In, Meth Drinker, Weak in Leechfeast.

SUBTERROR - "Antropomortum" 2014

– Fanatismo do pior

DISTANÁSIA - "Entre a espada e a balança" EP 2015

– Destruidores

– Tradições Contradições

- Deus da Ignorância

- Mordaças


– Arise

– Wargraves

– ...They Still Suffer

WARCRY - "Savage Machinery" LP 2014

– Agony Rised

– Fight

– Force Feed

– Agenda

GRUPA 92 - "Cenzura" EP (Ne! Records, 2015)

– Cenzura

- Cukrarnar

The VIBRATORS - "V2" (LP 1978) + Punk Mania: Return To the Roots (Cleopatra records, 2014).

– Troops Of Tomorrow

– Blackout 

PARKWAY DRIVE - "Atlas" CD 2012

– Dream Run

NAILED IN - Rehearsal

– Blood Feud

AJAX - s/t EP 2014

– Escape

– Burn It

WEAK - "Første" EP 2015

– Animal Song

METH DRINKER - split EP w/Leechfeast (Dry Cough Records, 2015)

– Sewer


– Aimless

Od koncertov:

(četrtek) 4.6. Ljubljana, Gala Hala: Parkway Drive, Burn Fuse;

(petek) 5.6. Zagreb, Vintage Industrial Bar: The Vibrators, Saša 21, Exodus;

(sobota) 6.6. Koper, INDE: Straightline, The Mor(r)ons;

(sobota) 6.6. Pula, Monte Paradiso – Podzemlje: D.J.&The Wootchyak, Break Mold, Stepped Out;

(nedelja)7.6. Ljubljana, Gromka: Meth Drinker, Weak, Leechfeast;

(torek) 9.6. Zagreb, Medika: Ajax, Impalers, Nailed In;

23. MONTE PARADISO FESTIVAL 31.7.-1.8.2015.

(petek) 31.7.: M.D.C., Los Fastidios, Call The Cops, Culto Del Cargo, Iamdisease, Shin, P.R.S.O.;

(sobota) 1.8.: Wolfbrigade, Left For Dead, Siberian Meat Grinder, Diesel Breath, Deer in the Headlinghts, Zaprti oddelek, Bosonogo djetinjstvo.

Fear Of Extinction
Grupa 92

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