Ultimi Fuochi Di Resistenza

2. 10. 2018 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y  1 1 3 5 / 1 4 1 0 torek, 2/10.2018. ob 23-ih

Disclone iz Celovca imajo nov ep, sveži album pa hardkorovci Contrasto. Prispela sta prvi ep novega skandi-crust banda World in Ruins in lp hitrega hc punk iz Španije Ultra. Na sporedu je tudi live demo skupine Survival of the sickest iz Nemčije. Izšla je reizdaja skoraj 40 let starega epija newyorških Stimulators. Split imata Epidemia in Escafismo. Slednji so na evropski turi z Borracara. Od koncertov: tudi Hag iz Malma.

DISCLONE - "When Genocide Once Started" EP (2018)
– The Bomb Raid Continues

– Just Another Genocide

CONTRASTO - "Politico Personale" LP (2018)

– Credere Obbedire Crepare A Testa In Giu'

– Ultimi Fuochi Di Resistenza

– Colpirne Uno Colpirne Cento

- Risoluzioni Strategiche

WORLD IN RUINS - "Era Of Warfare" EP (2018)

– Acts of Cruelty

– Leaders of Brutality

– Caught In Suffering


– D-beat is War

– War Is Coming

ULTRA - "Alta montaňa" LP (2018) 

– Enemigos del poder

– Nueva vida

EPIDEMIA - "De errores y cólera"(2018) split w/. Escafismo

– La sorpresa preparada

– Clerocidio

- Confortablemente dominadxs


– Nubes negras

– Lacrario

BORRACARA - "El inverno perdura" EP (2018)

– Catedrales

– Institucional

HAG - s/t EP (2018)

– Fuck Your Money

– Did You Really

STIMULATORS - "Loud Fast Rules" EP (2018/1980)

– Loud Fast Rules

Od koncertov:

(petek) 5.10. Zagreb, Bek – Van sistema DIY fest: Medicine Noose, Spewn, Left To Starve;

(sobota) 6.10. Zagreb, Bek – Van sistema DIY fest: Borracara, Pakt, Escafismo, Hag, Nailed In;


(sreda) 10.10. Ljubljana, Jalla Jalla: Borracara, Escafismo;


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