Warheads, Thunder and Blood
S U B W A Y 1 0 6 9 / 1 3 4 4 ★ torek, 27/6.2017. ob 23-ih
Novi posnetki finskih Ydintuho. Anarcho punk iz Seattlea so Somatix, demo imajo tudi Dömesticrust iz Indonezije ter hc punkerji Muro iz Bogote. Od koncertov: Terror revolucionário, Blackmail, Dog Attack, Hellbastard, Bolesno grinje, Cancer spreading, Kompost in Odio, ki bodo na Krastivalu naslednji vikend ter First Blood, ShowYourTheet in Reach, ki bodo igrali na festivalu Tepih na paleti. Na turi so tudi D.R.I. in Ratos de porão.
YDINTUHO - "Warheads, Thunder and Blood" EP (2017)
– Storm of Fire (Death and Radioation)
– Warheads, Thunder and Blood
– Aftermath
– Eat Your Nationalism
SOMATIX - Demo 2017
- Enemy
– Born This Way
MURO - "Ataque hardcore punk" (2017)
– Ciudades del futuro
– Prisionero
– Voces dogmáticas
RATOS DE PORÃO - "Seculo sinistro" LP (2015)
- Viciado Digital
- As mãos do poder
DOG ATTACK - Demo 2013 MC
– Dog Attack
BLACKMAIL - "Sound of death" EP (2015)
- Still
HELLBASTARD - "Feral" LP (2016)
– Outsider Of The Year
BOLESNO GRINJE - "Panxiozm" EP (2016)
– Dan kad sam postao glup
CANCER SPREADING - "Ghastly Visions" LP (2017)
– Fragments Of Filth
KOMPOST - "La vera bestia" LP (2015)
– Morbo
ODIO - "Ancora" EP (2017)
- Fabulous Horrific Beast
FIRST BLOOD - "Rules" CD (2017)
– Rules of Survival
– Rules of Life
– The First Stone
REACH - Demo
– The Walk
D.R.I. - "But wait, there is more!" EP (2016)
– Against Me
Od koncertov:
(četrtek) 29.6. Kranj, Trainstation; D.R.I.
(petek in sobota) 30.6./1.7. Komen, Stara šula – Krastival X: Hellbastard, Cancer Spreading, Bolesno grinje, Terror revolucionãrio,...
(petek in sobota) 30.6./1.7. Petišovci, Speedway Park - Tepih na paleti #8: First Blood, Zeke, ShowYourTeeth, Sentence, Fraktura mozga...
(ponedeljek) 3.7. Kranj, Trainstation: Ratos de porao:
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