2016 x 3

23. 12. 2016 - 22.00

Ko pri vrhu že tako plesnivo konzervativne lestvice top DJ-jev na Resident Advisorju ugledaš ime Adam - Dead Since 1999 - Beyer, te želja po kakršnemkoli razvrščanju konec leta mine še hitreje. Od leta bi se lahko poslovili s sredincem namočenim v meden Italo izbor, ampak ker smo v trenutni hiper produkciji klubskega techna in na njegovem obrobju v 2016 le slišali nekaj žmohta, se bomo vseeno spustili v nehvaležni zaključni miks. Temu dodajamo še dolg "2016 Top 3" seznam za makino od kolegov, ki so čez leto verjetno preverili več bangerjev in obskuritet via Kr!z (Token), Marcel Heese (Tresor), Le Chocolat Noir (Return To Disorder), Kroupa, Dr. D itd.

Kr!z (Token):
Convextion - 2845
Inigo Kennedy - NGC
Mike Parker & Donato Dozzy - Paramagnetism

Marcel Heese (Tresor):
Convextion - 2845
Borderland - Transport
Second Woman - Second Woman

DJ Lag (Mord):
Various ‎– Structures And Solutions: 1996-2016
A001 ‎– Nyctophobia
UVB ‎– A Lie's Glory

Le Chocolat Noir (Return To Disorder)
Grace – Grace
Your Planet Is Next – Virgo Moon
Andreas Gehm – Mystery

Strahinja Arbutina (Low Income $quad)
Enrique - Please Shut The Door
AIR LQD - Remain Neutral
URA - Dog Park

Schrauff (X Machina):
Convextion - 2854
Vatican Shadow - Media In The Service of Terror
NGLY - Cities Of Illusion

Christian Kroupa (Flash Forward, R&S)
DJ Sotofett - Current 82 (12 mix)
Midland - Outpost
Paul Woolford - Father

Dr. D (Ex FF)
DJ Sotofett - Current 82 (12 Mix)
DJ Lag - Ghost On The Loose
Air Max '97 - Core Work

Lavka (Lost Tapes):
Ale Mania - Center (Mick Wills Edit)
Greatest Name That Lives (Alessandro Adriani Remix) 
V​/​A - I​-​F's Tool Kit

Duli (Kvalitat)
DJ Sotofett  ‎- Current 82 (12 Mix) 
Šizike ‎- U Zemlji Čuda With Lost Data Tracks
Tropic Of Tulli - Maajo

Galaxian DJ Stingray - NU-1000
Russell Haswell ‎- PANTHER nO!se
VA - N O I S E

Flanger - Lollopy Dripper
Mark Ernestus versus Obadikah - HJP83
Surgeon - BluePrint 44

Second Woman - Second Woman
Tim Hecker - Love Streams
Datachi - System

The Tapes - Selected Works 1982-1992
Dva Damas - Clear Cut
DJ Deep - Cuts Vol 2

DJ Sotofett - Current 82 (12 Mix)
Flying Machines - N.A.S.A.
Globex - Inversia 1 B

Vid Vai:
Convextion - 2845 
Autumn of Communion - Sycorax
Prince of Denmark - 8

Fjäder ‎– Stardust
Shaded Explorer ‎– Empatia
TM404 ‎– Acidub

Conforce - North to South pt 2.
DJ Ice TIts - Songs About Mrytie Ave

Thon Kland:
CW/A - Ringleader
Antigone - Saudade
Skee Mask - Shred

Skee Mask - Shred
Peder Mannerfelt - Black Holes, Or How We Lost Solidarity
Kilner - Walk Type

Pépe - Weightless In Orbit
Futers - Slammin' (777)
Grant - Contemporate Reality

Lifecutter - Safe Place
B.YHZZ - Contra
Ziúr - Taiga

Tales of The Machines - Tales of The Machines
Black Merlin - Control
Black Volume - Red Footage

Marko Lük:
RVDE - Raving Lines
Ansome - Stowaway
I Hate Models - Warehouse Memories

X Machina xtras:
Not Waving LP, Umwelt LP, Marco Shuttle - Flauto Sythetico, Alessandro Adriani Remix, Porter Ricks on Tresor, Aleksi Perälä LPs, Tadeo LP, Scandinavia Swords II, ESSD - Narcisismo...


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