C'est ne pas une tortue

12. 1. 2013 - 18.00

"For example, desert regions inhabited by monsters, uncultivated lands, unkown seas on which no navigator has dared to venture, do not share with the city of Babylon, or the Egyptian nome, the privilege of a differentiated prototype. They correspond to a mythical model, but of another nature: all these wild, uncultivated regions and the like are assimilated to chaos; they still participate in the undifferentiated, formless modality of pre-Creation. This is why, when possession is taken of a territory...rites are performed that symbolically repeat the act of Creation: the uncultivated zone is first 'cosmicized,' then inhabited."

- Mircea Eliade, The Myth of Eternal Return

"As the centennial year approached, it was greeted with the boldest announcement of plans for retail expansion since the completion of the State Street store in 1907. In the town of Skokie, sixteen miles northwest of Chicago's Loop, the company will construct a retail sales center at a cost of more than $25,000,000. It will be another State Street, transferred to a prairie near Chicago's fastest growing suburb."

- Lloyd Wendt and Herman Kogan, Give the Lady What She Wants: The Story of Marshall Field & Company



Swatch Internet Time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time

New Coke: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Coke

VHS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHS

Betamax: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betamax

VHS vs. Betamax: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Videotape_format_war

Laserdisc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laserdisc

Quasar "The Great Time Machine" (???): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VX_%28videocassette_format%29

Cartivision (???): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartrivision

Sanyo V-cord (???): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-Cord

Pleasant Family Shopping blog: http://pleasantfamilyshopping.blogspot.com/

Cel intervju z L.A. Akiro, enim izmed prvih profesionalnih igralcev Street Fighter II: http://youtu.be/i5t8fa_kKjg



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Huh. Download je ok...

zdej je okej. sem sel enkrat cez, pa bo treba veckrat :) great show & music!

Hvala enako :)

kul oddaja, tokrat sm jo meu sanso poslusat u zivo na radiu tko da sm se mal pozno spravu komentirat. hud glasbeni izbor, sploh ta komad od janet jackson mi je nor. morm rect da ce bi me kdo pred oddajo vprasu, kerga komada od janet jackson se najboljs spomnm, bi se mi pred ocmi najbrz zarolu tist ttty slip iz superbowla :D

En dan prepozen si s tem komentom, saj tisto ni več največji škandal v zgodovini Superbowla! Manjkal je štrom, mislim... ta država dobesedno razpada. Janet je kul drugače, spregledana, tudi iz moje strani, ker je vedno bila bolj popovska in manj "črnska", ampak zadnje čase odkrivam, da ima hude stvari. Hvala za poslušanje!


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