I do it for the #ratchets

27. 12. 2014 - 18.00

ratch·et noun \ˈra-chət\ [...] 3. A diva, mostly from urban cities and ghettos, that has reason to believe she is every man's eye candy. Unfortunately, she's wrong. Typical signs to beware of include, but are not limited to: owning a Blackberry; BLARING anything by Drake, 2Chainz, Nicki Minaj, Gucci Mane, Waka Flocka, Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Cali Swag District, or any other garbage entertainment rapper; rowdily quoting "lyrics" from aforementioned artists; having a weave reminiscent of a bird's nest after a tempest hit the tree it was in, and is dyed at least thrice. [...]

- vir Webster's Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language

V tradicionalni "year end" DJ miks ediciji oddaje Leteči pilot, poslušamo ne enega, ampak dva *huda* miksa. To še ni vse: v preteklih letih smo v zadnjem terminu v koledarskem letu predvajali skrite bisere iz bogate zgodovine podzemno-plesnih ter uličnih godb; letos za spremembo bo pa all about 2014...

...letos bo all about the #ratchets.


Illustracija v naslovnici: Jamie Bradbury. Check out his blog, it's cool.

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