Sky's the Limit

10. 1. 2018 - 20.00

Poslušamo izbor posnetkov underground hip hop/deep house producenta DJ Spinna in se tako napolnimo s pozitivno energijo za fizična ter figurativna potovanja*, ki nas čakajo v novem letu. Namaste.

*potovanja = journeys


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Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.

Prikaži Komentarje


yeah man, in Greece we call it ANGER management. what do you know about it a? not much a? Michael ... shall i call you micelle ... or JEBENI MIŠKA U KURCU VIŠKA?

Guilty as charged, man, guilty as charged.

I don't really manage anger, I've always been a bit of a drama queen and, well, I shut down, cease all meaningful interactions and basically become a shell until whatever's causing the anger dissipates. So I kind of have to manage the positive stuff. But that's me, maybe others are like that and can relate, or maybe they feel your critique and, hopefully, will take whatever they need from the video you posted, which would be great, so thanks.


Stara, arhivska, spletna stran.