
23. 8. 2014 - 18.00

Gibanje/trend/stil twee menda počasi prevzame (razviti, beli) svet. Tako pravi avtor Marc Spitz, ki je raziskoval ter dober mesec nazaj izdal monografijo o stilu, ki poveliča vse, kar je kjut, luštno, otroško/otročje, melanholično... iiiiiiiiiiiiii.

Štiri značilnosti twee-ja, po Marcu Spitzu:

- Beauty over ugliness.

- A sharp, almost incapacitating awareness of darkness, death, anc cruelty, which clashes with a steadfast focus on our essential goodness.

- A tether to childhood and its attendant innocence and lack of greed.

- The utter dispensing with of "cool" as it's conventionally known, often in favor of a kind of fetishization of the nerd, the geek, the dork, the virgin.

- A healthy suspicion of adulthood.

- An interest in sex but a wariness and shyness when it comes to the deed.

- A lust for knowledge, whether it's the sequence of an album, the supporting players in an old Hal Ashby or Robert Altman film, the lesser-known Judy Blume books, or how to grow the perfect purple, Italian, or Chinese epplant or orange cauliflower.

- The cultivation of a passion project, whether it's a band, a zine, an indie film, a website, or a food or clothing company. Whatever it is, in the eye of the Twee it is a force of good and something to live for.

Nadaljno branje:

"The Twee Party", članek o ročnih obrteh v današnjem Brooklynu (try not to roll your eyes... I dare you!)

"Twee as Fuck", obsežen članek o indie pop, ki znotraj širšega okvira razvija nekatere Spitzove ideje; omenjeni so nekateri pomembni twee indie akterji, ki sem jih žal moral izpustiti v sami oddaji (kompilacija C86 in britanski jangle pop, založba Sarah Records in skupina The Field Mice...)

"Top 20 Twee Icons", seznam, ki nekako povzema knjigo Twee: The Gentle Revolution in posledično to oddajo.

Disneyev kratki animirani film Bikec Ferdinand.

Trejlerji za mumblecore dragulji Funny Ha Ha in Hannah Takes the Stairs.


Awkward break up + pravljični gozd + balerinke + Arcade Fire + Greta Gerwig + Spike Jonze + Brooklyn = twee.

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<3 <3 <3

+ Spike Jonze much? :P


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