Oddaja o Rap Rock-u... Y'all


"It's odd at best that the two hits and the two high points are the two songs predicated on black sources--the resourceful reggae cover "The Tide Is High" and the genius rap rip "Rapture" (which stands, let me assure my fellow Flash fans, as the funniest, fondest joke she ever told on herself)."

- Robert Christgau, recenzija albuma Autoamerican skupine Blondie

"According to Durst, 'The name is there to turn people's heads away. A lot of people pick up the disc and go, 'Limp Bizkit. Oh, they must suck.' Those are the people that we don't even want listening to our music.' Other names that were considered by Durst included Gimp Disco, Split Dickslit, Bitch Piglet, and Blood Fart. Every record label that showed an interest in the band pressured its members to change its name."

- Članek o skupini Limp Bizkit na angleški Wikipediji


V tej oddaji bomo govorili o rap rocku, rap core-u in rap metal-u. Govorili bomo o začetkih, o razumevanju stičišča belih kitar in črnskih "lyrics" v rasno segregiranih osemdesetih, "post grunge" devetdesetih, in v prejšnjem desetletju, ki ga je med drugim zaznamovala mainstreamizacija črnskega rapa. Skupaj z gostima Robertom Bobničem in Dinom Lalićem bomo izmenično zveneli pametni in neumni, ko podvržemo svoje glasbene preteklosti "sociološki" analizi – denimo.

Ne bomo vam pa povedali, da se morate skulirati. To je od vas pizdunov prej zahtevala Alanis Morissette. Če nekdo pade, postavi ga spet na noge. Negativno energijo smo že sprostili. Zdaj hočemo sprostiti pozitivno energijo.



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