3. prelet: Noitu

9. 11. 2020 - 23.00

Radar zaključuje jesenski cikel radijskih del umetnikov v preletu s Sašom Puckovskim, intermedijskim umetnikom, ki deluje pod psevdonimom Noitu. V Ljubljano, kjer trenutno živi in ustvarja, so ga nedavno prinesli južni vetrovi Beograda in domačega Skopja, kjer je (že dolgo je tega) ustvarjal za pobraten radio, Kanal 103. Sicer večinoma delujoč v mediju zvočnih instalacij in živih performansov, za tokratni Radar pripravlja dolgometražni zvočni kolaž.

>>>A time-decanted, kaleidoscopically warped sound collage where musical and audio artifacts from the past, the present, and what might seem to be the future are colliding together, forming some sort of a multi-layered time vessel, voyaging the listener outside of the usual patterns of time and space cognition. <<<

Fragments from the following auditory artifacts were used in conceiving this collage ↴

00'00" _ 30'30" ↴

Dick Raaijmakers ‎– Lied van de Arbeid [The Complete Tape Music Of Dick Raaijmakers] 1976
Paul Lansky ‎– Now and Then [Homebrew] 1992
Chris Watson ‎– Threat [Outside The Circle Of Fire] 1998
Delia Derbyshire / Barry Bermange ‎‎– Falling [Inventions For Radio: The Dreams] 1964  
Chris Watson ‎– Waiting [Outside The Circle Of Fire] 1998
Sugai Ken ‎– T妖彩(目散の一服) Yousai [Tele-N-Tech-Da] 2018
Orbital ‎– Time Becomes [Brown Album] 1993
John Baker ‎– Venusian Space Lab. [Atmospheric Sounds And Effects From The BBC Radiophonic Workshop] 1976
Visible Cloaks ‎– Wintergreen [Reassemblage] 2017
Martin Bizarro ‎– Mountain Above [In which a computer reads out the Zen poetry of Trần Thánh Tông (1240 – 1290), Emperor of Vietnam]
Walter Maioli, Fred Gales, Pit Piccinelli ‎– Tape pt.1 [Amazonia 6891] 1986
Ralf And Florian – Ananas Symphonie [Ralf And Florian] 1973
Glen Velez ‎– Internal Combustion [Internal Combustion] 1985
Field Musicians – Dag Combination Dance [Islands In-Between] 1984
Walter Maioli, Fred Gales, Pit Piccinelli ‎– Tape pt.2 [Amazonia 6891] 1986
Jon Hassell ‎– Malay [Dream Theory In Malaya] 1981
Oneohtrix Point Never ‎– ‡ Preyouandi △ [Returnal] 2010
Pauline Anna Strom ‎– Bonsai Terrace [Trans-Millenia Music] 2017
Andrew Pekler – Hy Brasil [Sounds From Phantom Islands] 2019
Field Musicians – Watermark [Islands In-Between] 1984

30'30" _ 61'00" ↴

Nobukazu Takemura – At The Lakeside [Child and Magic] 1997
Humpback Whale – Slowed Down Solo Whale [Songs of The Humpback Whale] 1970
Dick Mills – Seascape [Music From The BBC Radiophonic Workshop] 1983
Humpback Whale – Tower Whales [Songs of The Humpback Whale] 1970
Jean C. Roché ‎– Rancho Grande [Oiseaux Du Vénézuéla] 1973
Mika Vainio, Kouhei Matsunaga, Sean Booth – 11th june 2008 [3 Telepathics Meh In-Sect Connection] 2010
Kraftwerk – Sendepause [Radioaktivität] 1975
Blank Banshee – Realization [Blank Banshee 1] 2013
Jonáš Gruska – Brušky [Spevy] 2017
Carl Orff & Gunild Keetman – My Little Pony Needs New Shoes [Music For Children] 1958
Wevie Stonder – History Of Dogs [Drawing On Other People's Heads] 2001
Sugai Ken – Wochikaeri to Uzume [UkabazUmorezU = 不浮不埋] 2017
Carl Orff & Gunild Keetman – Ensembles [Music For Children] 1958
M.A.L. – La Chanson De Valérie [Insane Music for Insane People Vol.4] 1984
Vangelis – Keep Asking [BR 25] 1993
White Noise – Love Without Sound [An Electric Storm] 1969
Roger Limb – Time Warp Start, Run, Stop [Atmospheric Sounds and Effects from The BBC Radiophonic Workshop] 1976
Bruce Haack – Spiders [Electronic Record For Children] 1969

61'00" _ 91'30" ↴

Kraftwerk – Morgenspaziergang [Autobahn] 1974
Biosphere – Skålbrekka [The Senja Recordings] 2019
Boards of Canada – Constants Are Changing [The Campfire Headphase] 2005
Masayoshi Fujita & Jan Jelinek – Vague Yet [Schaum] 2016
Jana Winderen – The Noisiest Guys on the Planet Pt.1 [The Noisiest Guys on the Planet] 2009
The Away Team – Cult Initiation [Evacuate Planet Earth / Cloud Prism] 2011
Ariel Kalma – Message 18.10.77 [Osmose] 1978
Matthew Herbert – An Apple A Day [Plat Du Jour] 2005
Jan Jelinek – Slavoj Zizek, what signs were there of the imminent dissolution of Yugoslavia? [Zwischen] 2018
Jean Tinguely ‎– Plateau Agriculture (1978) [Sculpture At The Tate] 1983
Kuniyuki Takahashi ‎– You Should Believe [Early Tape Works (1986 - 1993) Vol. 1] 2018
Chris Watson – El Divisadero [El Tren Fantasma] 2011
Der Zyklus – Biometric ID [Biometry] 2004
Cristian Vogel – Invisible Planets [Eselsbrücke] 2013
Mika Vainio, Kouhei Matsunaga, Sean Booth – 11th june 2008 [3 Telepathics Meh In-Sect Connection] 2010

91'30" _ 122'00" ↴

Autechre – Caliper Remote [LP5] 1998
Blank Banshee – Visualization [Blank Banshee 0] 2012
Geir Jenssen – Tingri:The Last Truck [Cho Oyu 8201m – Field Recordings From Tibet] 2006
Tod Dockstader – Second Moon [Two Moons Of Quatermass] 1992
Arne Nordheim – PolyPoly [1968-70-Electric] 1998
Vladimir Ussachevsky – Computer Piece #1 [Electronic and Acoustic Works 1957-1972]
Knud Viktor ‎– Jeu 1 [Images] 1972
Raymond Scott – Bendix 2: The Tomorrow People [1950-60 Manhattan Research Inc.]
Roger Limb – Yellow Moon [BBC Radiophonic Workshop ‎– The Soundhouse] 1983
Paul Lansky ‎– Word Color [More Than Idle Chatter] 1994
Autechre – Iris Was a Pupil [Move Of Ten] 2010
Raymond Scott – Cycling Bit [1950-60 Manhattan Research Inc.]
Visible Cloaks, Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano – Toi [Serenitatem] 2019
Dick Raaijmakers ‎– Lied van de Arbeid [The Complete Tape Music Of Dick Raaijmakers] 1976



Otvoritev jeseni z ustvarjalci v preletu
 / 14. 9. 2020








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