Radart#11: RADADAR
Gre za sodobni poklon eni od stoletnic dadaizma – odprtju prve dadaistične razstave, Dada sejma (Berlin, 1920). Njegove ustvarjalce je vodila nujnost odzivanja na absurdnosti vsakdanjega sveta – resničnost so montažirali v materializacijo, ki nam, 100 let pozneje, priča o spominih drugega časa. Intermedijsko digestivno vezje se hrani s spomini in jih rekonstruira z vednostjo, da nikoli ne bodo v celoti razumljeni.
𝕍 𝕔̌𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕜, 𝟙𝟟. 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕒, 𝕠𝕓 𝟚𝟚.𝟛𝟘 se bo avdiovizualni prenos živega procesiranja zvoka in podobe prek vezja senzoričnih točk Radadar odvijal v Cirkulaciji2 ter se istočasno pričel na frekvenci 89,3 MHz ter na spletni strani Radia Študent >>> https://radiostudent.si/radar
𝕍 𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕛𝕖𝕜, 𝟙𝟜. 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕒, 𝕠𝕓 𝟚𝟙.𝟛𝟘 v etru RŠ prisluhnite teoretskemu prispevku Kristine Pranjić Lingvistični virus.
𝕍 𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕛𝕖𝕜, 𝟙𝟜. 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕒, 𝕠𝕓 𝟚𝟛.𝟘𝟘 v etru RŠ prisluhnite oddaji R A D A R, v kateri se bosta v pogovor zapletala Bojan Anđelković in Dragan Živadinov.
𝕍 𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕜, 𝟙𝟝. 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕒, 𝕠𝕓 𝟙𝟟.𝟘𝟘 v etru RŠ prisluhnite preddogodku Radart#11: SUPEREMATIZEM ::: FINALIZEM, ki se bo odvijal v Moderni galeriji.
𝕍 𝕡𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕜, 𝟙𝟠. 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕒, 𝕠𝕓 𝟙𝟛.𝟛𝟘 𝕚𝕟 𝟙𝟝.𝟙𝟘 v etru RŠ prisluhnite RKHV prispevkom o dogodku Radar: kulturnim novicam Digestivno vezje spomina Brine Jenček ter dnevnemu terminu Da(da) smo (se) naselili Ane Lorger.
Multimedijsko digestivno vezje presnavlja, poje in žveči, vztraja in transformira spomine iz drugega časa.
Dislocirani obiskovalci se znajdete sredi množice mašin in ljudi, podob, zvoka ter (z)godb, intuitivno stkanih v vezje, ki presnavlja tuje spomine. Ti emergirajo iz pozabe in začrtajo spekulativne pokrajine časa.
Upravljalci vezja se z njim zlijejo, z njim komunicirajo na specifične subjektivne načine, prilaščajo si spomine in so katalizator njihove transformacije, dinamično jih umeščajo v tehnorizomatsko mrežo pomnjenja – so v procesu, ki je čezoseben. Senzorične točke so vozlišča v tej mreži in skupaj s spomini tvorijo kakofonijo impulzov.
Tako kot vezje pretvarja spomine, pa je tudi samo subjekt pretvorbe. Pot prenosa spomin modulira iz analogne v digitalno, iz vizualne v auralno, iz statične v dinamično, iz tuje v lastno, iz partikularne v skupno – in obratno.
Na množici spominov pa je nekaj, kar se noče asimilirati nikamor. Paranodalnost fragmentov vztraja. V poplavi impulzov se znajdemo, z lastnimi mehanizmi pomnjenja se v tej preobilici orientiramo, smo v procesu transformacije iz materialnega v izkustveno, kljub temu se lahko le bežno oplazimo s spominom.
... ob dopuščanju neznanega, zgolj potencialnega in včasih celo iluzornega, čutom nedostopnega in umu nemisljivega ...
Takšni so spomini, to je njihova resničnost.
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Upravljalke in upravljalci vezja: Mojca Zupančič, Tisa Neža Herlec, Sašo Puckovski, Luka Seliškar, Anja Hrovatič, Borut Savski, Stefan Doepner, Urška Savič
Teorada: Saša Hajzler, Kristina Pranjić, Ana Lorger
Scenokolaž: Matija Drobne - Maco
Avantdada: Bojan Anđelković
Radadirka: Urška Savič
Tehnična podpora: Luka Seliškar in Samo Pavlica - Linč
Video stream: Branko Lenarčič
Montaža v živo: Miha Poredoš
Kamera/Camera operators: Alenka Krč, Kaja Horvat, Minka Harej
Zgodbe: mamica Anica, očka Uroš, botrica
Dizajn: Jure Anžiček
Koprodukcija: Cirkulacija2, Zavod YugoTranslate, Zavod Delak
Podporniki: MOL, ŠOU in MK
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RADAR – Odprta radijska (umetniško-teoretska) raziskovalna platforma Radia Študent je namenjena predstavitvi, radijski nadgraditvi in soustvarjanju umetniških dogodkov, del in iniciativ v polju sodobnih raziskovalnih praks. >>>> https://radiostudent.si/radar/
Koncept za RADART #11, Multimedijsko digestivno vezje sta ustvarili:
Tisa Neža Herlec (1996, LJ) komuniciram, improviziram in imaginiram (v zvoku, z glasom, v tekstih in podobah). Sodelovanje, procesualnost in trenje med strukturami me bodejo in bodrijo. Zaključujem mag. študij Experimental publishing na PZI v Rotterdamu.
Mojca Zupančič (1995, LJ) živim »življenje« in se spogledujem z življenjem. Preko improvizacije in pris(o)tnosti iščem stičišča med svojskostjo in normativo. Strastno se predajam zvoku, gibu in sliki. Trenutno študiram jazz klavir na PCC v Groningenu.
The yearly intermedia event RADART in its 11th edition presents itself as ℝ𝔸𝔻𝔸𝔻𝔸ℝ: 𝕒 𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕒 𝕕𝕚𝕘𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕚𝕣𝕔𝕦𝕚𝕥!
It is a contemporary tribute to one of the 100th anniversaries of Dadaism - the opening of the first Dadaist exhibition, the Dada fair (Berlin, 1920). They were led by the necessity to respond to the absurdities of everyday life - they were montaging reality into its materialization that now, a hundred years later, serves as an insight into another time. The multimedia digestive circuit is being fed by the memories of another time and reconstructs them with the awareness that they will never be fully comprehended.
𝕋𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝟙𝟟. 𝔻𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕥 𝟚𝟚.𝟛𝟘: RADADAR, the audio-visual stream of live-processed sound and imagery through a circuit of sensoric points will be established in Cirkulacija2 in Ljubljana and will be broadcasted on simultaneously on FM 89,3 MHz and on the website of Radio Student - the Radar platform >>> https://radiostudent.si/radar
The multimedial digestive circuit is digesting, consuming and chewing, insisting and transforming the memories of another time.
The dislocated visitors find themselves in the midst of machinery and people, imagery, sounds and stories, intuitively woven into a digestive circuit that processes foreign, distant, estranged memories. The snippets of the past emerge from the oblivion; with its movement they draft the speculative landscapes of time.
The operators of the circuit become an integrated part of it, communicating with other parts in specific and subjective ways, they are seizing the foreign memories. They become the catalyzers for the transformation of these memories, dynamically inducting them into the techno-rhizomatic network of recollection - they are a part of a process is beyond-subjective. The sensoric points are nodes in this network. Together with the memories they construct a cacophony of impulses.
The circuit is transforming memories, while at the same time itself is being transformed. The pathway of transformation is modulating the memory from analog to digital, from visual to aural, from static to dynamic, from foreign to ones' own, from particular to common - and vice versa.
There is something about the multiplicity of memories - all cannot assimilate. The paranodality of fragments persists. We find ourselves drowning in the inundation of impulses, with out own mnemonic mechanisms we orientate in it, we are in the process of transforming the materialitz into experience. Nevertheless, we can only get a glance of past that was once lived, a fragmet of a memory mutated with time.
... allowing the unknown to seep in, the potentialities, the perhaps illusory and sensorically inaccessible, the seemingly unthinkable ...
Memories are like that, this is their reality.
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Circuit operators: Mojca Zupančič, Tisa Neža Herlec, Sašo Puckovski, Luka Seliškar, Anja Hrovatič, Borut Savski, Stefan Doepner, Urška Savič
Theoreticalities: Sasha Hajzler, Kristina Pranjić, Ana Lorger
Avantdada: Bojan Anđelković
Stories: mummy Annie, dada Urosh
Technical support: Luka Seliška, Samo Pavlica - Linč
Video stream: Branko Lenarčič
Online editor: Miha Poredoš
Camera operators: Alenka Krč, Kaja Horvat, Minka Harej
Radadirection: Urška Savič
Design: Jure Anžiček
Co-production: Cirkulacija2, Yugotranslate, Zavod Delak
Support: MOL, ŠOU in MK
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RADAR - open radio (art-theory) investigative platform of Radio Student presents, radiophonizes and co-creates events, works and initiatives in the domain of contemporary investigative art practices. >>>> https://radiostudent.si/radar/
The concept for RADART #11, the multimedia digestive circuit was created by:
I, Tisa Neža Herlec (1996, LJ) communicate, improvise and create imaginaries (with sound, voice, in texts and images). Collaboration, processuality and the friction between structures ignite my inspiration. Currently finishing my masters' studies of Experimental publishing at PZI in Rotterdam.
I, Mojca Zupančič (1995, LJ) live "life" and flirt with life. Using the tools of improvisation and presence I am searching for the crossroads between being self and the norm. I passionately work with sound, movement and image. Currently studying jazz piano at PPC in Groningen.
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