Slovar skupnega znanja: radijska igra
Besedila in glasovi: Laila, Serafin, Cedric, Barly, Kirstine, Arash, Nanna, Arendse, Shakira, Fayeza, Carina, Nanna, Kathrine in Allan.
Zvočni posnetki iz arhiva Bridge radia: avtorji citatov so Audre Lorde, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Nicholas De Genova in Bertolt Brecht.
Delavnica radijske igre: Athena Farrokhzad in Saga Gärde.
Snemanje in montaža: The Bridge Radio.
Oblikovanje zvoka: Arash Pandi.
Produkcija: Bridge Radio iz Kopenhagna, 29:05 min
Open Radio Investigative Art Platform Radar is hosting a radio part of the programme of The Glossary of Common Knowledge project. The radio drama Our Movements Are Loud is an experimental radio play produced collectively by people without Danish citizenship, linked to each other through their experience of the asylum system in Denmark. The radio play consists of different perspectives, positions and voices that coincide in a story about the fight against expulsion. These interwoven stories take place in an imaginary scenario and are told by activists working inside and outside the asylum camps. The stories in the radio play are based on real events that have taken place in asylum camps, airplanes and in larger protests that The Bridge Radio and its network has participated in.
The process of creating the radio play started with a workshop in writing and drama for radio with writer Athena Farrokhzad, director Saga Gärde and sound designer Arash Pandi.
Texts and voices: Laila, Serafin, Cedric, Barly, Kirstine, Arash, Nanna, Arendse, Shakira, Fayeza, Carina, Nanna, Kathrine and Allan.
Sound recordings from the Bridge Radio Archive: Quotes by Audre Lorde, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Nicholas De Genova and Bertolt Brecht.
Radio drama workshop: Athena Farrokhzad and Saga Gärde.
Recordings and editing: The Bridge Radio.
Sound design: Arash Pandi.
Production: Bridge Radio, Copenhagen, 29:05 min
Slovar skupnega znanja je projekt evropske konfederacije muzejev L'Internationale, ki je nastal na pobudo Moderne galerije v letu 2014. Poteka na preseku med delovnim seminarjem in javno konferenco. Cilj projekta je sestaviti slovar umetniške terminologije, ki se bistveno razlikuje od obstoječe literature o umetnosti. Pri nastajanju slovarja sodelujejo institucije in posamezniki iz Evrope in drugih delov sveta, ki iz lastne prakse in okoliščine predlagajo v skupinsko razpravo termine na določeno temo. Tokratno referencialno polje je Subjektivizacija. Javnosti bo dostopen posebni radijski program.
Ob seminarju Slovar skupnega znanja o Subjektivizaciji L'Internationale Online predlaga povezavo s fluidno mrežo poslušalnih mest, na katerih se bodo vzpostavile in širile provokacije o odnosih med/z esencializmom in subjektivizacijo, da bi spodbudili večjo dostopnost in geografsko vključenost. Pospešena digitalizacija, ki jo je povzročila pandemija, je iztočasno zanetila vprašanja o iskanju fizičnostih interakcij, zato vabimo udeležence, bralce in poslušalce, da prek različnih radijskih programov aktivno sodelujejo s svojimi čutili v različnih frekvenčnih spektrih. Cilj prepoznavanja polifonije te simfonije je kataliziranje prostora, skozi katerega se lahko začnemo pogajati o teorijah, praksah in zapletah okoli esencializma in subjekta v postajanju. Z radijskimi programi odpiramo zvočne migracije, ki so bistvene za raziskovanje dekolonialnosti in raztelešenih performansov. Radio prepoznavamo kot potencialni medij oziroma mehanizem za širjenje večkulturnih in kakofoničnih pristopov še posebej v času svetovne pandemije. Vzpostavljamo dialog z radijskimi postajami kot mesti kritičnega mišljenja, produkcije in oddajanja v različnih krajih, da bi spodbudili razpravo o konceptu subjektivizacije, ki je tema tokratnega seminarja Slovarja skupnega znanja. Subjektivizacijo na splošno razumemo kot potencialno transformativni proces, ki se sooča s predsodki v naših družbah. Razmišljanje o subjektivizaciji zato nujno postavija kritična vprašanja o tem, kdo smo, kako delujemo v svetu; in na kakšen način določene situacije, strukture in oblike izključevanja določajo in omejujejo naše možnosti.
The Glossary of Common Knowledge (GCK) seeks to find common knowledge to speak about less visible stories in contemporary art, and to address systems that govern our ways of thinking in art and beyond. The project is ongoing since 2014 and is based on discussions surrounding six referential fields (Historicisation, Subjectivisation, Geopolitics, Constituencies, Commons, and Other Institutionality). The first series of discussions was published in 2018 and now we are working on the second edition. For this second series we are working again with these same referential fields in order to re-examine how the conditions in our cultural landscape have changed. In May 2021, a group of narrators is being invited to propose terms for the Glossary, to speak about the notion of Subjectivisation with respect to their current research and/or artistic practice and shifting cultural conditions. With this referential field we are interested in interpretations of subjectivities that are critical toward dominant ways of producing subjectivisation and the exploitation and commodification of intellect and affect by capital. This subjectivisation is produced from the rebellion and critical situatedness of both individual and collective.
We understand subjectivisation as a potentially transformative process that confronts the judgments and biases in our societies and poses critical questions about who we are, and how we act in the world. It works in the direction of forming aesthetical, ethical and political statements and decisions that are to an extent unrepresentable, historically situated, fragmented and inconsistent, yet capable of weaving political affinities, that bring about social transformation. A collective subjectivity that experiences common trauma may form a solidarity movement that challenges systematic violence in political realities despite the existing intersectionality between its members. The opposite of subjectivation is identification; that is, the police activity of assigning to each body its ‘natural’ place and function. The process of subjectivisation is about citizens becoming makers and not only subjects of public policies and institutions. In a world facing pandemic, climate change, migrations, economic and social struggle, terrorism and an array of new communication technologies we observe growing social, political and economical tension resulting in an ever-more stratified society. Subjectivity-as-encounter is a way to promote the possibility of sharing borders, margins and thresholds with empathy.
Radio Alhara راديو الحارة and Bridge Radio guesting L’Internationale Online
On the occasion of 2021’s Glossary of Common Knowledge seminar on Subjectivisation L’Internationale Online proposes to engage a fluid network of listening sites where provocations on the relations between/of essentialism and subjectivisation may be positioned and disseminated, thereby offering greater accessibility and geographical reverberance. The shift to digitisation caused by the pandemic provides a grounding from which to enquire into the physicality of interaction and therefore we invite participants, readers and listeners to actively engage with their senses over various forms of frequencies via a series of radio programs. Recognising the polyphony of symphony, an aim is to catalyse a space through which to negotiate theories, practices and entanglements around essentialism and subject becoming, through radio programs that unpack sonic migration, what is essential to decolonial research and disembodied performances.
In identifying radio as a potential form and circulatory mechanism we seek to acknowledge a poly-cultural and cacophonous approach that is also attentive to radio as a significant media amidst the global pandemic. Our proposition is to enter into dialogue with a series of radio stations – as critically situated sites of radio production and broadcasting – across differing locales in order to further develop debate on the concept of subjectivisation, which is a theme in the development of the current Glossary project. We understand subjectivisation, broadly, as a potentially transformative process that confronts judgments and biases in our societies and discussions which can pose critical questions about who we are, how we act in the world; and in what ways particular situations, structures and resulting forms of exclusion inform and constrain what is made possible.
Foto: Apotome Generative Visuals. Z dovoljenjem Khyam Allami / Counterpoint
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