radioCona: Protests in Slovenia 2012-2013

5. 12. 2013 - 22.30

podcast produced for radioCona and CoLaboRadio, Berlin,

materials used:[i] various individual field recordings from various video YouTube sources

Slovenians Demand Radical Change

During the closing months of 2012, Slovenia has seen a series of mass popular protests. Thirty thousand demonstrators gathered on November 17 for the first protest, organised by trade unions, students, and organisations of retired people and artists. Dozens of protests followed, large
and small, taking place in virtually all of the urban settlements of Slovenia, often organized spontaneously through Facebook and other social media.

radioCona Temporary Project Radio For Contemporary Arts

Art project radioCona (by Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman) first broadcasted on january 1st, 2008. Till present nine FM and internet broadcasts with series of sound art, radio art, discursive projects, thematic discussions and lectures were produced. radioCona appeared and exhibited in Modern Gallery Ljubljana, City Gallery Ljubljana, transmediale.11, RAM LIVE, among others.

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