Show 553: DIYChurch @ Kinderhook & Caracas AUGUST 4 Conference of Gnomes 2012 & Two poems read by Steven Warwick
Sicherheitsdienst im Auftrag der BVG – Steven Warwick.
was an exhibition in August 2012 @ Kinderhook & Caracas Berlin.
In this recording you will hear excerpt from the Conference of the Gnomes 2012, Kleingarten Anlage Treue Seele about security with v.FF – White People Scrap Metal, JanJan1, F. Knight / Cavaliere, Farfour, The German Voice of David Hasselhoff.
V.FF were squatting the Kleingartenanlage for that summer and started to turn it into a meeting point for all the lost true souls. A year after the city started building the new highway there.
Source kleingartenanlage treue seele ,
Run time 29min
Listen to our adventures every monday on from 7 – 9 pm ((CEsT / GMT+1)). A special guest per session/interviews in the wild Berlin landscape// terrible and delicious music and sounds////live sessions, and juicy turntable tunes.
more infos to this show can be found here:
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