Show 583 – Koímêsis by Moniek (Radio Campus Bruxelles)

9. 6. 2016 - 23.59

Koímêsis is a live radio performance in French and Greek ; a political poetry choir on Europe.

« In August 2015, one month after the adoption of the Greece Memorandum of Understanding, the ‘No to the No’, I walked through the streets of Athens. The Greek Orthodoxs were celebrating the Koimesis. Koimesis means ‘dormition’. A sacred condition between sleep and death. Koímêsis forms a book of thirty-nine short poems on political and physic apathy, the sun, the beauty and the morbid. » (luvan, may 2016)

Production : Carine Demange & Moniek
Poems in French : luvan
Greek translation : Iota Gaganas
The Choir : luvan, Iota Gaganas, Carine Demange, Anne Lepère, Chloé Despax, Anna Raimondo and Deena Abdelwahed (as Moniek team and guests).
Accoustic work : Anne Lepère
Music : J.A.T.A.C.
Artwork : Laure Afchain

You can buy Koímêsis (French – Greek), and luvan’s other publications (French) here.

A performance by the radio collective Moniek, commissioned by Saout Radio and recorded live on the 9th of may 2016, at Radio Campus Bruxelles.


saout state

It was included in the program “Saout as a state of mind #2” that lunched Saout Radio, a platform and web radio initiated by the artists Younes Baba-Ali and Anna Raimondo in Morocco in 2012. “Saout” (i.e. “sound” and “voice” in Arabic) Radio, as an evolving archive, gathers more than 100 artists from all over the world, the web-radio aims at being both a sonic display and a space for reflexion, production and diffusion of sound and radio art works coming from different contexts and geographies, (by) endorsing a postcolonial approach.

Follow here :
Moniek :
luvan :
Carine Demange :
Saout Radio :
Radio Campus Bruxelles :

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