Show 704: Summer sketches by Cardes (Jet FM)

28. 9. 2018 - 0.05

Cardes is a non-project expecting to recall some sounds here and there, depending on variable locations, playing sometimes tiny guitar stuff and sending all that material like virtual postcards.

Those Summer Sketches are based upon two different cards (here and there) from last august, completing with fragments of two conversations with Cardes’ grandmother (in 2006 and 2014) and Styx, a viola de gambe piece played by Benjamin Jarry.

Recording, playing & editing by Cardes.

Toy accordion & organ played by Misha

Styx played by Benjamin Jarry, recorded by Salomé Benoist for Jet fm, june 28th 2018


in loving memory of Jeannette Hamon (1926 – 2018)

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