Show 825: Into the Gray forest – L’Impero della Luce (Usmaradio)

4. 2. 2021 - 22.30

Artist: L’Impero della Luce
Submitted soundwork: Into the Gray forest

L’Impero della Luce / The Empire of Light is an Italian experimental music duo that explores the sounds of electric current by using the technique of electromagnetic induction. This particular approach to music allows the listener to get closer to the sound of the electron, the physical and historical source of electronic music.
“Il Mare di Dirac ” / The Dirac Sea (2020) is their first album.
From 2020, L’Impero della Luce is part of Key Change  European Project and endorser of SOMA Laboratory.
L’Impero della Luce is: Johann Merrich and eeviac.

Into the Gray forest
This oniric improvisation​ was recorded in 2018 and published in July 2020 by Obsolete Capitalism and Stefano Oliva as supplement of ​La Deleuziana​: Rhythm, Chaos and Nonpulsed Man magazine (10th volume celebration).

Usmaradio – Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per la Radiofonia (CRIR) / Interdepartmental Research Centre for Radio Studies, a workplace of The School of Radio to develop an innovative radio pedagogy. Workshops, work sessions, meetings, presentations of live performance as sections of the project. Produced by UNIRSM | Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino. / /

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