Show 829: FAMILY TAPE 4.12.78 SUB MASTER / I Am No Lung; No, by Samaan Fieck (Radio One 91FM, NZ)
Warwick Fullford
Samaan Fieck
Jane Michaelis
Alan Steele
Sheng Yan
Peter Emptage
Thank you: Mark Groves, Sally Ann McIntyre.
Mastered by Joe Talia.
Dedicated to W.G Fullford.
Fragments of these recordings first appeared:
C.C.P, Bin Lang Tourism as part of Specimen, curated by Giles Fielke, 2017.
The Quarry, Remain In Light, curated by Joseph Norster, 2019.
Red Wine and Sugar, A Population of Indoor Cats (Index Clean)
Red Wine and Sugar, Lake/Wildflower (Thalamos)
Red Wine and Sugar, Benchmarks/Stark (Ongoing Discipline)
Speaking: Only that which has sense and meaning should come from the lips of the
person who strives for higher development. All talk for the sake of talk (for example,
killing time) is harmful in this respect. The usual kind of conversation, in which
everything is muddled together, should be avoided. One should not, however, avoid
intercourse with others. It is just during this intercourse that speech should
gradually become meaningful. All speech and answers should be carefully
considered. Never talk without a reason (rather remain silent). Try to use neither too
many nor too few words…
… the propagation of man will be intimately connected with the organ of the
larynx… It will be the reproductive organ of the future…
– Rudolf Steiner
This transcript was exported on Feb 07, 2021
(Include filler words (um, ah), nonverbal communication, and false starts)
Speaker 1:
[inaudible 00:00:17].
Speaker 2:
Instead of what was it? I was thinking what [inaudible 00:00:26].
Speaker 1:
[inaudible 00:00:26].
Speaker 2:
Okay. And then I thought it didn’t make sense because they were [inaudible
Speaker 1:
[inaudible 00:00:33]. What we’re doing. [inaudible 00:01:03].
Speaker 2:
That’s really good.
Speaker 1:
And [inaudible 00:01:10].
Speaker 2:
That’s too much [inaudible 00:01:12].
Speaker 1:
[inaudible 00:01:12] be honest, [inaudible 00:01:12].
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
Accept others [inaudible 00:01:44] for what they are. [inaudible 00:01:44]. But
yeah, we can all be held, held [inaudible 00:02:03] by the quality [inaudible
00:02:07]. I know that [inaudible 00:02:14]. It’s hard to put into words.
Speaker 2:
What did [inaudible 00:02:17].
Speaker 1:
[inaudible 00:02:21]. That’s what we really feel. [inaudible 00:02:35].
Speaker 2:
This man is old.
Speaker 1:
[inaudible 00:02:57]. We clean the house each day and then we also [inaudible
Speaker 2:
That man is old.
Speaker 1:
[inaudible 00:03:08] day consists of cleaning up the house in the morning, which is
[inaudible 00:03:10].
Speaker 2:
That man is old.
Speaker 1:
[inaudible 00:03:19].
Speaker 2:
He’s next to another bald man.
Speaker 1:
[crosstalk 00:03:25] and kitchen and laundry.
Speaker 2:
Another old man next to it.
Speaker 1:
[crosstalk 00:03:35] cleaned up.
Speaker 2:
Another old man next to it.
Speaker 1:
[crosstalk 00:03:37] clean up we prepare the lunch each day.
Speaker 2:
Another old man beside.
Speaker 1:
[crosstalk 00:03:43] slow down a bit and odd jobs around the place.
Speaker 2:
Another old man in the side.
Speaker 1:
[crosstalk 00:03:49] put you onto someone else.
Speaker 2:
Eight hours later.
Speaker 3:
It’s really wonderful working the finance group. I know every meeting we have
there, which is on Tuesdays mornings, I mean, one of the things we try to really do
is just tune into that energy of finance and [inaudible 00:04:14] through finance and
money and that whole area. Really try and transfer the thought forms that have
been built up with the whole energy of money. And try to move into a deeper
experience knowing it’s just an energy that can flow through us. I mean, I truly say
that I do look forward to the finance meetings because they bring up so much to
look at [crosstalk 00:04:38] that area. One of the recent things we’ve come to really
experience here is that flow [crosstalk 00:04:48] signing checks, it’s really just a
wonderful kind of [crosstalk 00:04:51]. And so, I think my, I thank God I suppose
[inaudible 00:04:57] for that experience within [inaudible 00:04:59].
Speaker 4:
[inaudible 00:04:59] pile of timber and found a red belly black snake. It crawled
under the rest of the timber and he’s been there all day and talking to me. I haven’t
done much today.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:05:25].
Speaker 6:
Find a way to turn the topic towards yourself.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:05:28].
Speaker 6:
If you do it this way I’ll give you money.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:05:37].
Speaker 6:
Internet café [inaudible 00:05:40].
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:05:41].
Speaker 6:
So much. Completely wasn’t-
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:05:47].
Speaker 6:
Why is this useful?
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:05:48].
Speaker 6:
Like, music for children’s books and CDs. Teach guitar.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:06:08].
Speaker 6:
Why is this useful?
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:06:56].
Speaker 6:
Because it’s so facetious. [inaudible 00:07:04] even one cigarette.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:07:11].
Speaker 6:
God told you to give that [inaudible 00:07:41].
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:07:41].
Speaker 6:
you know you’ve been [inaudible 00:07:41].
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:07:41].
Speaker 6:
Sexual predators.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:07:53].
Speaker 6:
All that Julia Roberts stuff.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:07:59].
Speaker 6:
When I found my strength I received so much.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:08:10].
Speaker 6:
30,000 [inaudible 00:08:11].
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:08:11].
Speaker 6:
Also, a very beautiful, classical [inaudible 00:08:25] guitars.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:08:39].
Speaker 6:
[inaudible 00:08:39] the window and step on the gas.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:08:39].
Speaker 6:
You’re really close to him.
Speaker 7:
Also, just um, recently we acquired a new room, a lounge room. Um, for a long
time actually we haven’t had a lounge area in the house. It’s just been a dining
room has been a general meeting ch- chatting place. Um, we have a very original
farm house. It has two rooms in it, two old rooms, which has just been renovated
with the help of others. Um, that was the main focus for the lounge room. It’s really
beautiful how that’s sort of come along and really um, provided a place for people
to sit in a more relaxed environment and this last couple of weeks we’ve been
making cushions and dying, doing some tie dying and we like to go and sit as a
group and [inaudible 00:09:56]listen to the tapes. It becomes sort of like a
endurance exercise. And um, some of us end up staying for days and the others
bring food and water and ah, um…
Speaker 8:
[inaudible 00:10:20] the ground, ground, ground, ground. The ground, ground,
ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground,
ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground,
ground, ground, ground, [inaudible 00:10:20]. Drink a glass. Drink. A drink. A drink.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:10:20].
Speaker 6:
‘Cause these girls are so lazy.
Speaker 9:
Also, just um, recently we’ve just um, acquired a new room, a lounge room. For a
long time actually we haven’t had a lounge area in the house. It’s just been the
dining room has been the general meeting and chatting place and um, we have an
old, um, old, original farmhouse. It had two rooms in it, two old rooms which have
just been renovated with the help of others, with the main focus for the lounge
room and um, it’s- it’s- it’s really beautiful how that’s sort of um, come along and
really, um, it’s providing a place for people to, you know, sit in a more relaxed
environment. Um…
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:12:12].
Speaker 8:
36 degrees.
Speaker 10:
[inaudible 00:12:19]. I am a breath of air and lung is [inaudible 00:12:27]. If I grasp
this I know myself in the spirit of the world.
Speaker 11:
[inaudible 00:12:49]. Oh my God. I just had the worst [inaudible 00:13:06].
Speaker 12:
[inaudible 00:13:06] dropped by.
Speaker 11:
I just had the worst thought.
Speaker 13:
Speaker 11:
Imagine if some fucking weird malfunction thing happened and the door just
fucking opened?
Speaker 10:
Articulate fuck.
Speaker 11:
[inaudible 00:13:26]. It’s all the way up to [inaudible 00:13:33].
Speaker 10:
With [inaudible 00:13:38] eyes.
Speaker 11:
I really recommend people…
Speaker 10:
I say breezy black veins is now a thick black air. And in my lungs you are just
coming out of a dirty coat.
Speaker 11:
Speaker 10:
All the time like a sliced fly. (singing). [inaudible 00:15:17].
Speaker 11:
Blue mesh. [crosstalk 00:15:34] are back. I’ll take one home to my daughter.
Sealed square plastic bag.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:17:16].
Speaker 11:
Dropped from the crane’s cock pit.
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:17:16].
Speaker 12:
[inaudible 00:17:16]. She’s fucking asleep. [inaudible 00:17:16].
Speaker 6:
I don’t know that. [inaudible 00:17:17] I can look it up really quickly. What is it?
Speaker 5:
[foreign language 00:17:27]. Aggressive time.
Speaker 6:
I think I’ve got it. Yeah.
Speaker 5:
Grab my bag and take it out slow.
Speaker 6:
[crosstalk 00:17:47].
Speaker 5:
It’s like a helicopter, but it’s a bit close.
Speaker 6:
[foreign language 00:17:56].
Speaker 5:
I don’t think it’s that much [inaudible 00:17:57]. I just want to get on with my life.
Speaker 8:
Lunch break.
Speaker 5:
[inaudible 00:18:09] fucking grab my [inaudible 00:18:14]. Just out of nowhere. I
don’t know how she does [inaudible 00:18:36] falling asleep. [inaudible 00:18:36].
Looks like it’s going to [inaudible 00:18:46]. Anyway, I’m a [inaudible 00:18:50]
fucking over it so there’s not [inaudible 00:18:59]. I’m hearing this sound like… I
can tell it’s not a helicopter because it sounds very close and if it was a helicopter
I’d feel it- feel a breeze in face.
Speaker 5:
I’m not sorry for what I’ve done.
Speaker 8:
It’s not [inaudible 00:19:40].
Speaker 14:
[inaudible 00:21:50] Australian scene out the window. In case you don’t meet our
three little three year olds, but the nut brown bodies, naked as can be, fully out
there with the birds flying over head, hoses in hand, [inaudible 00:22:02] each
other. Their blond heads and smiling faces and scampering little legs out there
they’re really delightful across the green field. They’re having a really wonderful
Speaker 8:
Oh God, it’s like [inaudible 00:22:31].
Speaker 15:
I think the last few months in the garden have been a- a period of a lot of ah, inside
growth [inaudible 00:22:38] in the garden.
Speaker 16:
A lot of cabbages would agree with that.
Speaker 15:
We’ve been getting a lot of vegetables too from the garden. But, for myself I’ve
been away probably [inaudible 00:22:50] past three months. And going to
[inaudible 00:22:55] convention in Adelaide and a few other things. But ah, I think
it’s been a lot of sorting out in my head of what I really want to do and where I
should be. And it’s become clear all the time. So it’s really great to be back and
starting again finally at [inaudible 00:23:23], being here more permanently. But, ah,
we also acquired a member in the garden lately [inaudible 00:23:26] harvester.
Which, ah, for the amount of land we’ve got here and the size of the garden ah, it
really helps us tremendously to be able to get mulch for the garden [inaudible
00:23:38] the grass at the same time.
Speaker 15:
Being in a sub-tropical area the grass just grows over your head [inaudible
Speaker 16:
Actually I think that’s exaggerated a tiny bit. (laughs) the grass grows quickly.
Speaker 15:
Well, it’s [inaudible 00:23:56] grass and it- it really grows fast. But the idea of
[inaudible 00:23:59] cut the grass over a big area and give us more park space. We
also mulch the ground, and we’ve got about, getting towards an acre of garden.
And basically it, our garden [inaudible 00:24:15] three or four people and it keeps
us pretty busy. And so had [inaudible 00:24:26]. The greatest bit of manifestation
we’ve done since we manifested homeland. [inaudible 00:24:32] we should be able
to keep the garden not only as a dynamic for [inaudible 00:24:39] garden, but also
not ever increasing awareness [inaudible 00:24:44].
Speaker 17:
[inaudible 00:24:44].
Speaker 2:
Prolong the extension of your [inaudible 00:25:15] sides of her mouth [crosstalk
Speaker 18:
And the fluid streams into the body when awakening and streams out of the body
when falling asleep.
Speaker 2:
[crosstalk 00:25:29].
Speaker 18:
So that your nose gets pushed into your anus [inaudible 00:25:37] just to put out
your flaming kidneys.
Speaker 2:
[inaudible 00:25:41].
Speaker 18:
And you eat what you speak, like a [crosstalk 00:25:48].
Speaker 2:
[crosstalk 00:25:49] 200 meters [inaudible 00:25:51].
Speaker 18:
Eating your tongue and spitting and cleaning salt.
Speaker 2:
[crosstalk 00:26:00].
Speaker 18:
Body goes to [inaudible 00:26:03] and more before I want it short. I just say
[inaudible 00:26:12] like that. [inaudible 00:26:18] and the end falls [inaudible
00:26:24] giving birth to lumps of [inaudible 00:26:28]. From mouth to mouth,
confusing [inaudible 00:26:32] buckets of [inaudible 00:26:34] bubbles. When I
want to eat I just say about the noisy snake that falls like greasy sausage on the
floor [inaudible 00:26:51] before I eat it. [inaudible 00:26:57]
– Homeland Community 1978 / Taiwan 2014 / Skenes Creek 2021.
Samaan Fieck lives on Gadubanud land, north of the Southern Ocean, surrounded by the Otway Ranges. He is the host of More Than the Ear Can Hold, a weekly broadcast on Apollo Bay Radio (3abr). He has exhibited / performed throughout Australia, Taiwan, Japan and New Zealand at; The Centre for Contemporary Photography, ACMI, Lacking Sound Festival (Taipei), Treasure Hill Artist Village (Taipei), Avantwhatever Festival and CAST gallery (Hobart) among others. Since moving to the Otways he has provided the composition and sound design for The Sublime and Remain In Light, in collaboration with These Are The Projects We Do Together. He is an active member of Red Wine and Sugar, with Mark Groves.
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