Voyage to the Forbidden Planet

6. 2. 2014 - 22.30

Show #461 - NRRF B Radio presents Voyage to the Forbidden Planet

NRRF is a collaborative effort to make unlicensed neighborhood radio art. For the B Radio iteration, the core group of noisemakers consists of Jonny Farrow, Anna Friz, Steve Germana, Jeff Kolar, Peter Speer, with Sarah Knudtson (documentation and props wrangling).

B Radio is a series of long-form radio shows mashing b-list genres with radio art. Each B Radio episode features a theme to structure the improvisational nature of the shows, though tangents are frequent and encouraged. It’s live radio, streamed, with special guests and live audience.

Recorded from a live pirate and translocal radio session at the Experimental Sound Studio (Chicago) and Deep Wireless Festival of Radio and Transmission Art (Toronto) on May 3, 2013.

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Bo mogoce poslusati tudi na koncu omenjeni part 2?

V okviru serije Radia Network - malo verjetno ...


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Slucajno veste kje bi lahko dobil drugi del? Je bil predvajan posnetek kje kupljen/ pridobljen ali maja posnet v originalnem prenosu?


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