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How to Make Black
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1Mixing Black Paint
2Mixing Complementary Colors
3Mixing Blue and Brown

Understand curses and hexes. Aside from conducting a classic black magic ritual, there are other ways to perform black magic. Placing a curse or hex is done to bring ill fortune to another person, or to make them do what you want them to do. Be very careful about using curses and hexes. It's up to you to determine whether your reasons for wanting to bring misfortune to another person are valid. You must use your power wisely.
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Is black magic real?

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How can I do magic on someone from my eyes or hands?
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By visualizing your purpose (the desirable outcome) in a form energy coming out of your eyes or your hands and going into the person or the object you want to enchant. Feel the outcome, see it becoming a reality and believe in your powers.
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Is any of this real?
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That depends on your perspective. There are some who believe it is. There are many who believe it is not because they have a different set of faith-based approaches and consider it to be blasphemous. And there are those who would like to see the scientific evidence before trusting that any of this has any measurable or actual effect whatsoever. Do your research and be a critical thinker.
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I want to control people's minds.
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Wouldn't we all? Then we could have other people feed us, clothe us and massage our feet and we'd never have to get up with the alarm clock every morning and commute to a cubicle job that drives us to want to use black magic. Unfortunately, wanting to control people's minds is the first sign of having resigned your place on this plane and shows signs of wanting to live in an imaginary world where you're divine. Since that isn't going to happen any time soon, stick with being nice, polite and reciprocal with your fellow human beings. That'll get you much further in this world.
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Consult a professional black magic practitioner.
Be consistent with beliefs and traditions you have.
For fun, make your own spells. This makes it much more personal, though sometimes they will be ineffective.

Combine red and green paint. Mixing paint colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel essentially cancels out the color properties of each and yields a dark hue. You can choose any red or green depending on how you want the black to look. Phthalo Green and Naphthol Red are great complements to combine for a simple black.[5]

Blend blue and orange paint. Place a dab of blue paint, such as Cobalt Blue, and a dab of orange paint, such as Translucent Orange, onto your palette. Gently swirl the colors together until a vibrant black is formed. If equal parts of each doesn't create a dark enough black, add a bit more blue to the mixture.[6]

Merge yellow and purple paint. Create a mixture that is around 60% purple and around 40% yellow, and adjust this ratio to get the black that you want. Cadmium Yellow is standard paint that works well and you can mix it with a violet.
Mixing Blue and Brown
Image titled Make Black Step 8
Start with Ultramarine Blue. On your palette or painting surface, place a small dab of Ultramarine blue. Blue should make up roughly half of the total paint, so use as much as you need for what you want to paint.[7]

Place a touch of Burnt Umber near the blue. Don't apply the two colors to the exact same spot. Rather, place them a half inch or one centimeter apart. Then gently swirl the two colors together. Adjust with a little more of either color to make the black you want.

Add a dab of Prussian Blue. if you want to deepen and darken the black you've mixed, add just a small dab of Prussian Blue. This new mixture works great for a black that shows the darkness of night.
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What colors can I mix to make brown?
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Community AnswerHow to Treat a Black Toenail
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1Treating Black Nails Caused by Injury
2Managing Toenail Fungus
3Dealing with Melanoma in the Toenail
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Prepare for your results. If your spell works, the outcome you desire will take effect. Prepare for this, and also prepare for the evil that may come.
If you have summoned a demonic beast or evil spirit, treat it with respect. These creatures do not necessarily have loyalty to their summoner.
Understanding Black Magic
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 12
Know the basics of a black magic ritual. The ritual you use to perform black magic will depend on your desired outcome. There are different rituals for everything from casting a spell to gain wealth to raising the dead from their graves. Most rituals involve the following elements:
A site is chosen for casting the curse or spell.
A circle is drawn on the casting site, and a pentacle is drawn inside the circle. This is called a circle of power.
Candles, herbs, crystals, charms, and other materials are employed to help draw out the spirits.[4]
Words of power (relevant to the particular outcome you want) are repeated 3 times.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 14
Make sure you're willing to deal with the consequences. Awakening the forces of darkness can be a serious move and should not be done lightly.[5] The threefold law (Wiccan Rede) states that what you put forth comes back to you threefold. Do you feel so strongly about using black magic that you're willing to suffer should the magic come back to harm you? Be sure that the outcome you are hoping to obtain is completely worth it.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 11
Consider the outcome you want to bring about. What trouble is plaguing you so much that you want to use black magic to correct it? Black magic is considered a dark art because you use it to get what you want by means of controlling someone else or harming them with negative energy.[6] If your aim is to help others or bring about some form of peace and justice, look into white magic instead. If you want to practice magic for personal gain, black magic is what you should use. Here are common reasons why people use black magic:
To keep someone bound in place. If someone is harming you and you wish to stop them, you can use a binding spell to stop the person's actions.
To cause someone to be attracted to you. Love spells are among the most popular when it comes to black magic.
To achieve immortality or improve your health.
To communicate with the dead.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 13

Cleaning Affected Areas
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 8
Scrub the affected area with soapy water. Fill a bucket with warm water, and add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of liquid dish soap. Swish the soap around in the water to make suds. Dip a stiff-bristled brush into the soapy water and scrub the moldy surface with the brush.[7] Re-dip the brush regularly and scrub until the area is saturated with suds. Rinse the area with water.
Pre-scrubbing the mold will help break up the surface so that you can penetrate to the roots with your cleaner and kill the mold.
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 9
Mix your cleaning solution. There are a number of cleaning solutions and products you can use to clean mold. The most effective will be a commercial biocide or antimicrobial cleaner, which is specifically designed to kill mold. There are other cleaning solutions you can try that have proven effective, including:
Equal parts ammonia and water

Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 16
Dry your shower after bathing. Showers and tubs are common places for mold to grow because they stay wet all the time. To prevent this, keep a squeegee in the bathroom and ask that all family members and guests wipe down the walls after bathing.
You should also open a window or turn on the bathroom fan anytime somebody uses the bathroom to bathe or shower.
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 17
Fix leaks immediately. Leaks are a huge source of moisture problems in homes, and the extra moisture creates a prime environment for mold to grow. You can still prevent mold even if a leak occurs, but you do have to act quickly to fix the leak and dry the area. Leaks to look out for include:
Burst pipes
Leaking pipes
Roof leaks
Basement and foundation leaks
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 18

If you have time and paint to spare, experiment with the color. Add a little brown or green to the black to paint pine trees at night, or add some yellow for the sun reflecting off of black metal.
Mixing paint by hand usually won't give you an exact black, but your black will have more character than a pure black.
Mixing Complementary Colors

How to Do Black Magic
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It grows in a circular pattern
Patches of black mold look like they're made up of dots
It looks slimy on a wet surface
On a dry surface, it will look like soot
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 2
Seal the area. To prevent mold spores from becoming airborne and spreading, you can seal the room. Put up sheets of plastic to cover doors and vents that lead to other areas of the house. Use painter’s or construction tape to tape the plastic in place and seal the room.[3]
Vents you may want to cover include return vents, and heating and air conditioning vents. Leave exhaust vents open.
Sealing the area will help prevent spores from spreading from one area of the house to another.
Sealing won’t necessarily stop mold from growing elsewhere in the house. Mold spores are always present in the air, and mold can grow anywhere that there's moisture.
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 3
Open windows. Mold itself and the cleaning products you use to kill it can irritate eyes, skin, and lungs, so you must provide yourself with as much fresh air as possible. In the area where you're going to be attacking the mold, open as many windows as possible
In winter when it’s cold out, open at least one or two windows to let in some fresh air.
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 4
Turn on vents and fans. To help draw mold spores out of the room and out of the house, turn on any exhaust fans in the room you're working in. You can also position a fan in front of an open window and aim it outside. This will similarly draw mold spores out of the room and push them outside.
To prevent blowing mold spores around the room, avoid using fans if they're not right in front of a window and blowing air outside.
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 5
Wear personal protective equipment. Mold exposure can cause upper respiratory illness, and the cleaners you use to kill the mold may also be damaging and corrosive. To protect yourself while you're cleaning, consider wearing protective gear, including:[4]
Safety goggles
Non-porous gloves
Mask or respirator
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 6
Don’t mix cleaning solutions. You will have to choose a cleaning solution to kill the mold, and it’s important that you stick to that one cleaner. Mixing different cleaners can be very dangerous, and you can create unexpected chemical reactions.
Never mix ammonia or bleach together or with any other household cleaners.
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 7
Consider replacing absorbent materials. Removing mold from absorbent materials can be extremely difficult. Instead, most professionals will recommend that you remove and replace such items, since it probably won’t be possible to remove the mold without damaging the material or causing further problems.[5]
Absorbent materials that may need to be replaced include drywall, ceiling tiles, furniture and carpeting.[6]

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Co-authored by Megaera Lorenz, PhD | Medically reviewed by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS
Last Updated: October 8, 2022 ReferencesHaving part or all of a toenail turn black can be alarming. Fortunately, the causes of black toenails are usually not serious, and the condition is often easy to treat. The best treatment will depend on the cause of your black toenail. 2 of the most common causes are injury to the nail bed and fungal infections. Other common causes include systemic disorders, drugs, or inflammatory disorders. In rare cases, black spots or streaks under the nail can be caused by melanoma (a form of skin cancer) growing on the nail bed. If you’re not sure what’s causing your black toenail, see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and discuss your treatment options.[1]Method
Treating Black Nails Caused by Injury
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 1
Look for signs of toenail injury. Consider whether your toe was recently injured in some way. Injury to the nail bed can cause blood to accumulate under the nail, creating a black or dark brown discoloration. This is called a subungual hematoma. You may also experience symptoms such as a feeling of pain or pressure under the nail.[2]
In some cases, it may be obvious that your black toenail was caused by an injury—for example, you may have dropped something on your foot or stubbed your toe.
Black toenails can also develop gradually from repeated injury, such as pressure from overly tight shoes or trauma to the toes caused by frequent running, hiking, or sports.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 2
Use the RICE protocol to treat your nail at home. If your hematoma is minor and not causing you a lot of pain, you can likely manage it at home without medical help. Use Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (RICE) immediately after an injury to minimize swelling and pain and encourage your toenail to heal:[3]
Rest: Rest the nail by minimizing the use of the injured foot as much as you can. For example, avoid running or hiking for a couple of weeks after the injury.
Putting protective toe caps or tape on the affected toe(s) while running or hiking.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 7
Allow several months for the injury to heal completely. The discoloration in your nail will not disappear until the old toenail has grown out all the way. For most people, this process takes around 6 to 9 months.[9]
Even if your doctor does not end up surgically removing the nail, there’s a chance it will come off on its own. Typically, a new nail will grow in after several months.
If your nail bed was severely damaged, there’s a chance that the nail will not grow back or that it will grow back incorrectly.
Managing Toenail Fungus
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 8
Check for symptoms of a fungal infection. If you have a fungal infection in your toenail, debris may build up under the nail, causing a dark discoloration. Look for additional evidence of a fungal infection, such as:[10]
Thickening or warping of the nail
Whitish or yellowish-brown discoloration
Crumbling or brittleness of the nail

1 cup (235 ml) of bleach mixed with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water
Pure distilled vinegar
1 teaspoon (5 ml) of tea tree oil and 1 cup (235 ml) of water
Equal parts baking soda and water, mixed into a paste in a bowl

Brown or black streaks under the nail that may grow over time—particularly streaks that extend from the tip of the nail to the base of the nail bed
A bruise or dark spot under the nail that does not move up or disappear as the nail grows

You have any health concerns about the mold
The mold problem was caused by contaminated water or sewage
Preventing Black Mold
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 14
Remove the source of moisture.[11] As long as there's a moisture source, there's the potential for mold. After cleaning your mold problem, it’s essential that you remove the source of the moisture that caused the mold to grow in the first place.[12] Depending on where in the house the mold was, possible moisture problems could include:

Step into the circle of power. Once inside, gather your concentration and energy. You will need all the energy within you to complete the spell. Don't let yourself get distracted.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 3
Recite the words of power associated with your desired spell. Each spell has different words of power that are recited to achieve the outcome you want. If you are summoning a demon or some other spirit, you must learn its true name before the spell will work.
There is no one spell that will work to bring true love, give you immortality, and so on. Do research to find a spell, or write your own if you'd like.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 4
Write your spell in your grimoire. A grimoire is a sort of textbook for spells, with instructions on how to use black magic.
Another name for a grimoire is a "Book of Shadows." You can create your own Book of Shadows or use one that was already compiled by another magic practitioner. One famous example is The Witches’ Way, by Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 5

1Placing a Hex
2Performing a Ritual
3Understanding Black Magic
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One part hydrogen peroxide mixed with two parts water
1 cup (409 g) of borax dissolved in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water
¼ cup (102 g) of borax dissolved in ½ cup (118 ml) of vinegar and 4 cups (940 ml) of warm water
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 10
Apply cleaner and let it soak. For liquid solutions, spray generous amounts of cleaner on the moldy surface that you pre-scrubbed. For pastes, apply the paste to the affected area with a knife, brush, or old tooth brush.
Let the cleaner stand for about 15 minutes. This will give it time to penetrate the mold and kill it all the way to the roots, which will prevent it from growing back.[8]
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 11
Scrub porous materials. When the cleaner has had time to soak in, scrub the surface with a stiff-bristled brush. This will help dislodge the mold and work the cleaner in even farther.
You can use an non-abrasive scrubbing pad to scrub the area as well.
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 12
Rinse and dry the area. To remove any leftover mold and cleaner, rinse the area with clean water. When the mold and cleaner are gone, wipe the area dry with a towel or a squeegee. This will remove excess moisture and prevent the mold from growing back.[9]
Mold can start growing on a damp surface within 24 hours, which is why it’s important to keep the area dry after cleaning.
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 13
Know when to call a professional. Mold can be notoriously difficult to clean, especially in hard to reach places and on certain materials, such as dry wall and other porous materials. There are times when it’s best to call a mold removal professional, including if:[10]
Your cleaning effort wasn’t effective
The affected area is larger than 10 square feet (3 square meters)

Use slightly more of one or two of the colors to give a different look to the black.
If you use a paintbrush to dab paint onto the palette, be sure to use a different brush for each color so that you don't mix the paints except on the palette.
You will most likely not be able to create the same black from one time to the next, so be sure to make enough to paint what you want to.
Mix the paint together. You can use a paintbrush to mix the colors together. Some paint mixes better if you use a palette knife or some type of metal scraping tool. Spend at least 15 seconds moving the paints around to make sure you end up with one full color without any leftover bits of any individual color.
If you use a paintbrush to mix the paint, swirl the brush gently and don't press down too hard. You can ruin brushes by pushing them too hard against the palette.
Adjust the value and hue of the black. Depending on what you use the black for will affect how you want it to look. You might add a small dab of white paint to lighten the black, or you might add a drop more blue to create a black for a night sky.[3] [4]

Image titled Do Black Magic Step 1
Draw a circle with a pentagram inside. This powerful symbol is present during most black magic rituals. It is traditionally drawn in the ground using a wand hewn from a hazel tree. You may use a stick or another implement to draw the symbol if Hazelwood isn't available. Choose a strategic location that will give your spell the best chance to work.

Performing a Ritual

Clean up after a flood right away. Floods can often lead to mold because there's a lot of water that comes in at once, and it’s not always possible to clean it all right away. After a flood, the steps you should take as soon as possible to clean include:[15]
Removing all the excess water
Using a wet vacuum to get rid of dampness
Replacing damaged carpeting, flooring, and drywall
Using mold-inhibiting cleaners

If you are caring for a baby or small child with an injured toenail, take them to the doctor right away instead of trying to treat it yourself.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 5
Get immediate medical help if you see signs of infection. Look for symptoms such as pus or other fluids seeping out from under the nail, increasing pain or swelling, redness around the injured nail, red streaks in your skin around the nail, or fever. The area around the nail may also feel hot to the touch. If you notice any of these symptoms, cYou suspect there's mold in your heating, cooling, or ventilation system

e: Put an ice pack wrapped in cloth or plastic wrap on the injured toe to numb the pain and reduce swelling. You can safely use an ice pack up to once an hour, for 20-30 minutes at a time.[4]
Compress: Apply gentle pressure by wrapping a bandage around the injured toe. This can help minimize the amount of blood that pools under your nail.
Elevation: Reduce swelling by elevating your foot above the level of your heart as much as possible. For example, you might lie down on your couch with your foot resting on the arm rest or lie in bed with your foot propped on a pair of pillows.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 3
Take over-the-counter pain relievers to manage pain. If your black toenail is painful, try an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) such as ibuprofen (Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), or acetaminophen (Tylenol). This can relieve your pain and reduce swelling and inflammation.[5]
Ask your doctor before using aspirin or products containing aspirin, since these could make any bleeding under the nail worse.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 4
See your doctor if you have severe symptoms. In some cases, home treatment for a subungual hematoma may not be enough. Make an appointment with your doctor if you have symptoms such as
Separation between the nail and nail bed
Darkening of the skin around the nail
Cracking, thinning, or warping of the nail

Dampness from cooking or bathing
Lack of moisture barrier in the basement
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 15
Lower the humidity. Mold thrives in humid environments where the moisture levels are above 50 percent. To prevent mold, install a hygrometer and keep and eye on the humidity levels. When it gets too high, ways to reduce humidity include:[13]
Running a dehumidifier[14]
Running the air conditioner
Opening windows
Increasing ventilation
Opening windows and using vents when cooking

An unpleasant odor
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 9
See your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Since fungal infections in the toes can mimic the symptoms of other conditions, it’s important to get a diagnosis from your doctor so that you can treat the problem effectively. Make an appointment with your doctor so they can examine your nail and run lab tests to confirm or rule out a fungal infection.[11]
Your doctor may take some clippings from the nail or collect debris from under the nail with a scraper for lab testing.

Spirits will have a harder time visiting a location that's populated by a lot of people, so choose a place in the woods or another area not frequently visited.
Graveyards are a classic place to choose if you're planning on conjuring the dead.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 2

Bleeding from under the nail
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 15
See your doctor right away for a diagnosis. If you suspect you have a melanoma under your toenail, don’t wait—make an appointment with your doctor right away. Melanoma is much easier to treat effectively if it is caught early.[18]
Your doctor will likely order a biopsy, in which a small amount of tissue is taken from the nail bed and examined for cancerous cells.
If the tissue tests positive for melanoma and your doctor suspects that the cancer has begun to spread, they may also perform a biopsy on some of the nearby lymph nodes.[19]
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 16
Have the melanoma surgically removed. The best treatment for melanoma is to remove the cancerous tissue. Depending on how thick the melanoma is and how far it has spread, your doctor may recommend removing the entire nail or part of the affected toe.[20]
If the melanoma has spread to the surrounding tissues or lymph nodes, it may be necessary to supplement surgery with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Even if the extent of the melanoma is relatively limited, your doctor may still recommend additional therapies to prevent the melanoma from returning or to kill any remaining cancerous cells.
Follow up regularly with your doctor after treatment and do routine self-checks in case the melanoma reoccurs.

You can mix orange and purple to make a pretty solid brown.
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How do I make grey?
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Put equal amounts of each color on a palette. It works best to put the colors on the palette one at a time before you mix them. Put the globs of paint about ½ inch (1.3 cm) apart on the palette. For a basic black, use equal amounts of each color.
all your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately.[7]
Your nail may be more prone to infection if the toenail begins to come off, which is common with severe subungual hematomas.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 6
Protect your nail from further injury as it heals. After the initial injury, your toenail will need time and TLC to recover completely. Wear closed-toed shoes with plenty of space around the toes to keep your injured toe from getting bumped or squeezed. You can also keep your toe safe and healthy by:[8]
Keeping the nail clean, trimmed, and free of polish while it heals. Nail polish or false nails can slow down the healing process and make it harder to spot signs of infection or injury.
Wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes, especially while running. If you run, use shoes that are ½ a size larger than your regular shoes, and lace them tightly so they don’t slip around on your feet.
Wearing thick, moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet dry and cushioned.

severe or unbearable pain, uncontrollable bleeding from the injured area, a deep cut to the toe or nail, or damage to the base of the nail.[6]
The doctor may make a small puncture in your toenail with a laser or a needle to allow blood and other fluids to drain from under the nail. If the injury to the nail is severe or there are signs of infection, they may need to remove the nail altogether.

How to Kill Black Mold
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1Taking Safety Precautions
2Cleaning Affected Areas
3Preventing Black Mold
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Co-authored by Mike Kapur
Last Updated: May 18, 2021 References Approved

Black mold is a type of fungus that can grow indoors. Like all molds, black mold loves moist environments, so areas that are often damp, such as wet basements, showers, bathrooms, and areas where there's a leak, are prone to mold growth.[1] Because some kinds of black mold can cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and respiratory issues, it’s important to remove it when you do find it in your house. The trick to killing black mold is penetrating the mold and killing the roots as well as the surface mold, and taking steps to ensure it doesn’t return.

Taking Safety Precautions
Image titled Kill Black Mold Step 1
Identify black mold. Black mold often grows in damp areas, places that are often wet, or places where there has been a leak or water damage. Common places to find black mold include basements, crawl spaces, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Here are a few of the identifying characteristics of black mold:[2]
It appears black in color

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Co-authored by Jeanine Hattas Wilson
Last Updated: September 10, 2022 References

Black is a commonly used paint color, but you may not have any on hand or you may want a black that leans slightly toward another color. Black paint can be made with equal parts red, yellow, and blue paint mixed together on a palette. You can also mix complementary colors such as blue and orange, red and green, or yellow and purple. Mixing blue and brown can also result in a rich black.Method
Mixing Black Paint
Image titled Make Black Step 1
Use red, blue, and yellow paint.[1] Black is the darkest color, but there are still degrees of blackness you can make with paint. The exact shades of red, blue, and yellow that you use will determine the black. Use your choice of oil, watercolor or acrylic paint.[2]
Using Aureolin, Rose Madder Genuine, and Cobalt Blue will yield a soft black while using Winsor Yellow, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, and Winsor Blue will yield a bold black.
If you have a basic paint set, whatever red, blue and yellow you have will work. Magenta and cyan are common red and blue to use.You may need to take these medications for 6 to 12 weeks before the infection is eliminated. It can also take several months for the damaged nail to grow out completely, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see an obvious improvement right away.
Oral antifungal medications may cause serious side effects. Check in with your doctor frequently to make sure you are tolerating the medication well. Tell them about other medications you are taking or other health concerns you may have.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 13
Discuss nail removal for hard-to-treat infections. If medicinal treatments aren’t working or if the infection is very severe, your doctor may recommend removing the nail so they can treat the nail bed directly. They may do this by applying a chemical that causes the nail to come off, or they might remove the nail surgically.[16]
In most cases, the nail will eventually grow back after treatment. This may take several months or up to a year.
If the fungal infection keeps returning and does not respond to treatment, your doctor or dermatologist may need to do a surgical procedure to permanently remove the nail.
Dealing with Melanoma in the Toenail
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 14
Examine your nail for melanoma symptoms. A melanoma under the toenail (called a subungual melanoma) can resemble the type of dark bruise that occurs when the nail has been injured. If you see a dark spot under your nail but there has been no injury to the toe, get it checked by a doctor right away. Other signs and symptoms of subungual melanoma include:[17]

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Last Updated: August 19, 2022 References

Is someone standing in your way, preventing you from fulfilling your dreams or getting what you want? When all other tactics fail, you can use black magic, also called dark magic, to bring about the outcome you desire. Black magic is thought to be fueled by powerful forces and evil spirits, so it's important to know what you're getting into before you start casting spells or performing hexes—otherwise you might be the one who gets harmed. If you want to learn how to use black magic to change the course of your future, keep reading.Method
Placing a Hex
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 8
Prepare a sacred circle. Draw a circle using chalk or a stick, then draw a pentagram inside it. Alternately, you may draw a sacred circle on a piece of paper large enough to stand on. Light candles around the circle before you step inside.
Candle magic is thought to enhance the power of a spell by tapping into the elements, which are represented by the different parts of the candle—fire, air (to feed the flame), water (liquid wax), and earth (solid wax). Set an intention for your spell as you light the candles.[1]
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 9
Stand in the circle and speak the words of your spell over the poppet. Repeat the words of power 3 times. Here are a few examples of words you can use to place your hex:
To cast a binding spell and prevent the person from taking actions, repeat, "I bind your feet from bringing you to harm me. I bind your hands from reaching out to harm me. I bind your mouth from spreading tales to harm me. I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me."[2] Say this while wrapping the poppet in black ribbon.
To cast a love spell over someone you desire, say the words, "Bright the flame. Light the fire. Red is the color of desire."
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 10
Let the candles burn down. Once they have burned completely, the hex has been cast.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 1
Make a poppet. A poppet is a small magical doll, also known as a voodoo doll. Choose a piece of black cloth and cut 2 layers in the shape of a small person. The shape should look vaguely similar to the person on whom you want to place a hex.[3] Sew the edges together but leave the top of the head unsewn.
Black cloth is best, but if you don't have it on hand, you can use another color.
Your poppet should be created from all natural materials. Avoid using polyester fabric or other man-made fabrics; black magic is not as easily conducted through manmade materials.
Image titled Do Black Magic Step 2
Fill the poppet. Fill it up with earth, a few powerful crystals, and hair and nail clippings from the person you want to hex. Sew up the head to close the poppet.
Ideally, the poppet should contain something the person you’re hexing has had physical contact with. If you can’t get their hair or nails, try anything they’ve touched or owned, like a piece of clothing or even a note they wrote.
MethodTell your doctor about any symptoms you are having, as well as medications you are using or other health issues you may be dealing with.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 10
Try using over-the-counter antifungal medications. Before trying more aggressive approaches, your doctor might recommend using OTC treatments on your infected nail(s). Purchase an antifungal nail cream or ointment, such as Dr. Scholl’s Fungal Nail Treatment or Lotrimin AF, and apply as directed on the package.[12]
These treatments may be more effective if you thin and soften the nail before applying the medication. Trim the affected nail and gently file down any thickened spots, taking care not to file through the nail.
You can also help the medication penetrate deeper by applying a urea-based cream to the nail first, such as Urea 40+ or Urea Care.
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 11
Ask your doctor about prescription topical antifungal medications. If your infection doesn’t respond to OTC treatments, your doctor might prescribe a topical antifungal cream, ointment, or nail polish. These medications can also be used together with oral antifungals for hard-to-treat infections. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.[13]
Commonly prescribed topical medications include amorolfine, ciclopirox, Efinaconazole, and Tavaborole.
Some antifungal ointments may need to be applied daily, while others are only applied once a week. You will probably need several weeks of treatment for the medication to be effective.
Some antifungal medications take the form of a medicated nail polish (Penlac) that is applied daily to the affected nail.[14]
Image titled Treat a Black Toenail Step 12
Talk to your doctor about using oral antifungal medications. If you don’t see an improvement after using OTC remedies or prescribed topical medications on your infected nail, see your doctor. They may prescribe a stronger oral antifungal. Common options include Lamisil and Sporanox. These medications help kill the fungus and allow a new, healthy nail to grow in place of the infected one.[15]

Community Answer
You can buy some black paint and mix it with white paint, or you can use the tutorial to make black paint and then add white to that.
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What do I do if I created blue-black, but wanted dark black?
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Community Answer
You can add a bit more of the other colors you used to tone down the blue tint.
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If you don't know how much paint to use, you should just add it little by little.
Don't use too much water because it will lighten the color.
Always wear old clothes and cover surfaces when working with black paints

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