Which Witch is Which?

21. 9. 2020 - 23.00

How To Become A Witch: 9 Amazing Tips For Baby Witches
Written by Emma Kyteler  in Beginner Guides
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These are all Marks of the Devil. But if you need even more proof, try pricking the Devil's Mark with a blade. If it doesn't bleed or hurt when it's pricked, you've definitely got a witch on your hands. During the Salem Witch Trials, some unscrupulous witch-hunters actually used knives with retractable blades, so of course when they appeared to puncture the Mark, nothing happened.


During the Witch Trials, one accused woman, Sarah Good, was damned partially based on the fact that she was sometimes seen muttering to herself, and sometimes this even happened when she was leaving people's houses. Her accusers knew she was casting spells on people, even though Good claimed she was just reciting the commandments or a particular psalm. Her claims weren't enough to save her, because she was hanged on July 19, 1692.

Be prepared, however. Witchcraft can be full of surprises, both good and bad.

The life of a witch is many things, but it isn’t calm and it is rarely easy.

Sometimes you have to face negative people, or even negative entities.

mportant to do your research to find the perfect kind of witchcraft for you. Then again, you can always have more than one form of craft. Here is a small list of the different types of witches.

So, every flint has a piece of sponge at its heart. Sometimes, the piece is quite large, so the flint traps a fossil sponge, which is revealed as the outside of the flint is eroded away by natural processes. You may find a flint with a bubbly-textured piece sticking out. That is a fossil sponge, many millions of years old.

The bubbles make the central sponge weaker, so it erodes away more quickly, leaving a cavity in the flint. Sometimes, that cavity passes right through the flint, making a hagstone.

Most hagstones are small, but you occasionally find a large one. Years ago, we found one twice the size of my head on the beach near Cromer. It became a garden ornament, but we managed to leave it behind when we moved house. By the time we remembered about it, the new owners had decided that it didn’t fit their plans, and skipped it.


Forest Witch- a practice biased on the forest and things found in it. They are often found living in or near forests and use things they find in that forest in their practice.
Water/Lake/Ocean Witch- similar to forest witch but for water or lakes. This is where you'll find sea/lake glass incorporated the most.
Weather Witch- focuses on the weather and weather patterns. They often worship deities who have abilities related to the weather and use materials that they can get from the weather in their practices.
Alexandrian Witch-Alex Sanders and his wife Maxine funded a movement in the 1960s biased on Gardnerian Wicca practices but that also incorporates elements of ceremonial magic and Qabalah. This came to be known as Alexandrian Wicca.



If she doesn't respond, she's definitely a witch. This happened to 71-year-old Rebecca Nurse. She was known to be a very pious woman, and most people in the community were hesitant to accuse her or believe the pointing fingers that were. In fact, she was found not guilty during her first trial. But when there were more outbursts from young girls who said they were being tormented by a witch, Nurse was reconsidered. When another prisoner claimed that "she was one of us" during the trial and Nurse failed to respond, she was immediately assumed guilty and hanged.


A woman who has pets—or even says hello to the neighbor's cat—is surely using that animal as a familiar. In fact, if a fly or a rat entered a woman's cell while she was awaiting trial, it was assumed that the witch had used her powers to summon a familiar to do her bidding.


John Willard was the constable in Salem responsible for bring the accused to court. After bringing in so many people, including those who were known for their church-going ways and elderly woman who barely understood what they were being accused of, Willard began to doubt how real these accusations really were. In May 1692, he finally put his foot down and declared that he would no longer take part in any arrests, sarcastically saying, "Hang them all, they're all witches." Willard was immediately accused of witchcraft himself, stood trial, was found guilty, and was executed just three months after his sarcastic comment.


Sarah Osborne denied all witchcraft accusations that were thrown her way. Her downfall was when she admitted she had recurring dreams that an Indian would seize her by the hair and drag her out of her house. Apparently that was enough to convince the village she was likely casting spells on them. However, Osborne ended up dying while being held captive and never stood trial for her "crimes."


At least a couple of the women tried for witchcraft were married two or more times and were accused of killing their former husbands ("bewitching" them to death) or evilly seducing them.

There is a book to suit almost any witchy need. You’ll never run out of new things to learn!

I like to use a website called Scribd to read more books without spending more money.

While we are quarantined and unable to go to the library, Scribd has saved me a ton of money!

With Scribd you just pay a small monthly fee to get complete access to their ebook and audiobook library.


Hi there, friends! This post is based on a question I get asked a lot – “how do you become a witch?”

There’s a really simple answer to that question, but I think the underlying question within it is really, “where do I start if I want to become a witch?” So today I’m going to be sharing with you some advice to those who may just be starting down this path.

Shameless plug, but if you REALLY want to know how to incorporate witchcraft into your daily life, The Witch of Lupine Hollow and I made a whole school of courses about it ;D

But it’s also cool if you just want to read this post instead. Affiliate links are marked with a *, because your girl’s gotta pay the bills somehow.

This is a bit of a long one, so strap in, folks!


1. you don’t need someone else to make you a witch

How do you become a witch? The simple answer is really that you decide to become a witch, and bam! There you are.

Although some covens or paths of witchcraft or Wicca might require formal initiation or have specific rules about who can or can’t join, in general anyone can be a Wiccan or a witch. There’s a tradition of studying for a year and a day before dedicating yourself to the Craft, but it’s really not necessary.

I initially decided I would do this, but found myself identifying as a witch long before the year and the day were over. Still, once the time was up, I just did a little self-dedication ritual more for myself than anything else and that was it! No one else’s approval required.

(Interested in a year and a day study? I post about that here!)

2. read selectively at first


If they don't, they're guilty. If they do, they're guilty too. George Burroughs, the only minister to be executed during the Trials, ran across this problem. He was standing at the gallows to be executed when he recited the Lord's Prayer to prove his innocence—it was believed that a witch (or warlock, in this case) would be unable to utter the holy words. People were momentarily convinced that the jury had wronged him, until a minister named Cotton Mather told the crowd that the Devil allowed George Burroughs to say that prayer to make it seem as if he was innocent. Ahhh, of course. With Satan himself apparently working right through him, Burroughs' fate was sealed, and he was hanged moments later.

It’s definitely a better deal than Kindle Unlimited Or Audible! That’s why I recommend it.

Here are my favorite books about witchcraft that are available on Scribd:

Learning how to become a witch is easy. Actually following through, learning about witchcraft and becoming more powerful over time? That can be hard.

If you want to learn how to become a witch, the guide ahead will teach you what to study, how to find other witches, where to learn about witchcraft, what spells to start with, and so much more!

Usually I would say “read ALL the things!” but unfortunately there’s a lot of cultural appropriation and just plain misinformation out there about witchcraft, Wicca, and their history.

I do think there can be a lot of good things in a problematic text, but when you’re first starting out it can be hard to tell what’s truth and what’s not. It’s a good idea to Google an author before buying a book to see what other witches are saying about their content.


Also, take all books with a grain of salt. If one talks about a practice you don’t like, need, or feel comfortable with, leave it. Not every witch astral travels or does blood magick, and not all witches think curses are bad. It’s okay to make your own rules.


3. start small

There’s so much information out there and it’s seriously overwhelming to start with, but you don’t need to be a big bad experienced witch in order to work an effective spell.

Start small with materials you already have on hand, or learn the meaning of one new herb at a time and use that. Some of the most effective spells and rituals I’ve done have just been me, a candle, and the moon. Don’t let a lack of experience or things stop you from working your magic(k).

Faery Witch- these witches are solitary and try to make contact with the fae and nature spirits.
Green Witch- another one that sounds exactly like it is. This witch works with Mother Earth and natural items. They mostly try to get closer to nature and it's energies through their practice.
Floral Witch- a type of Green Witch that uses mostly flowers and floral materials in their practices.

A Complete Guide for the Baby Witch
Lilli  Behom
by LILLI BEHOM 3 years ago in RELIGION
Starting out as a witch can be hard. Here's a guide to make it a little easier.
A Complete Guide for the Baby Witch 
Witchcraft is hard if you're starting out, especially if you're a closet witch. So here is a little guide for all the baby witches out there. First, look at what kind of witch you want to be. There's a huge list out there and it's easy to get overwhelmed. But it's i

Herbal Witches- a type of Green Witch that uses mostly herbs and other types of plants in their practices.
Gardnerian Witch- a follower of Gardnerian Wicca stared by Gerald Gardner in the 1950's. These witches follow the strong beliefs of challenge religious and societal conventions, strong feelings for nature, and engage in colorful rituals. This kind of witchcraft needs an initiation from other members of Gardnerian Wicca and is not a solitary practice.4. find your community

I don’t necessarily mean finding a coven – in fact, I would suggest not looking for a coven until you’ve been practicing long enough to be sure of your path.

I thought at first that I would LOVE to be in a coven, but now I realize that while it would be nice to have an IRL community to chat with, I do my best practicing on my own. Also, you run the risk of pledging yourself to a coven dedicated to a certain deity only to find out later on that you don’t want to work with that deity after all. Awkward.

But I do think it’s important to have other witches you can learn from and ask questions of while you’re learning. I haven’t found any good forums (if you know of one, PLEASE tell me) but Tumblr has proved to be an amazing resource for all things witchery. Browse the “witchcraft” and “witches of Tumblr” tags for blogs to follow. Most people I’ve met there have been super nice! (I’m a-lavender-moon if you’d like to follow!)

Twitter is another place to find and follow fellow witches, and joining Facebook groups can be a great way to connect with your local community. Use social media to your advantage!


7. it’s okay if your beliefs change

In fact, they absolutely will. My views about working with deities change all the time. My thoughts on reincarnation have evolved the more I’ve thought about it. My personal set of rules has shifted as I’ve grown more comfortable in my craft.

Changing your views on one thing or another doesn’t necessarily mean you were wrong before, it just means you’ve got more information now and can make a better decision for the current you. It doesn’t invalidate your past.

8. your book of shadows doesn’t have to be perfect

I need someone to wake me up every morning by yelling this at me through a megaphone. I think we all fall into perfectionism when it comes to our grimoire or Book of Shadows because we want them to be the cool witch books we see on TV.

Honestly, though, a grimoire or Book of Shadows is just for you, no one else, and since all of us are imperfect it’s totally okay for your book to be imperfect too. The most gorgeous grimoire in the world is totally pointless if you never actually use it for fear of screwing it up!

If you’re really concerned, though, do what I do and have a million different grimoires that you use for different things and one big main one that you only put the pretty stuff in.



Roman Witch- similar to Hellenic, they worship Roman deities.
Norse Witch- follows Norse traditions and worships Norse deities.
Celtic Witch- follows Celtic traditions and worship Celtic deities.


How to Defeat a Witch
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5. you don’t need a lot of stuff

I know that Tumblr and Instagram make it seem like you need a huge crystal collection and an entire pantry full of herbs, but really, REALLY all you need to do magick is yourself. That’s it. You don’t need anything else but you and your intentions.

It’s fun to collect witchy bits and bobs and I’m the last person to talk about minimalism because I buy everything, but you don’t need those things. You can make spell jars from recycled bottles or decorate your altar with rocks from your garden. Don’t give in to the pressure to LOOK witchy. It’s more important that you ARE witchy.

(Side note, I wrote an entire post about spiritual sh*t I wasted money on here, so you don’t have to.)

6. write it down

You’re probably going to want to keep either a grimoire or a Book of Shadows, but I think it’s important that you keep a spiritual journal, as well. This can be something you carry around with you everywhere and that no one will ever see but you.

Put in all your messy, disorganized thoughts, write down any time your intuition is spot on, scribble about your struggles with meditation, whatever. It’s really great to have a record of where you’re at and what you’re doing with your spiritual practice. For one, it’s therapeutic, but for another, it helps you figure out the way forward!

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Traditionally, witches' curses tend to cause bad dreams. This is a traditional prevention and cure.

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Step 1: Where to Find Materials
Where to Find Materials
Almost any pebbled beach. Flint pebbles are best.

For this Instructable, I chose Bognor Regis' beach, but any well-pebbled beach you have handy will do.

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Step 2: Acquiring the Correct Selection of Materials
Acquiring the Correct Selection of Materials

First, wander up and down the beach. You are looking for stones with holes in. They must go right the way through the stone. If you have help, you will find more. Finding these stones can become a group activity. I was helped by Kitechild-major (Kitechild-minor was busy fighting pterodactyls with a stick).

Second, find a piece of string. We were going to pinch a piece of wool off Kitewife, but we found a length of plastic packing string on the beach as well, so we used that. It seemed appropriate.

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Step 3: Assembling the Materials
Assembling the Materials
Assembling the Materials

Select one stone, either a small stone with a large hole, or a stone with the hole to one side. Tie the string to the stone.

Thread the rest of the stones onto the string.

Finishing: either tie the final end of the string to the last stone, or tie a loop in the end. An overhand knot is sufficient to do this.

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Step 4: Preventing the Curse
Preventing the Curse

To prevent the bad dreams, the curse must be physically blocked. Hang your string of stones in the window of your bedroom. Traditionally, this is best done on the outside, but (in this modern world), inside the window is also acceptable. If you have enough strings, you can provide a thorough protection by hanging them in every window and beside every exterior door.

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Step 5: What Is Going On

In the East of England, stones with naturally-occurring holes are called hagstones (a “hag” being a witch). The holes are meant to deflect the dream-causing curse.

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Step 6: Alternatives

You don’t have to use string. If the stones are going to be outside, say on a window frame or gatepost, you can thread them onto a length of thick wire (such as a wire coat hanger or fencing wire). Twist a small loop into each end of the wire, and they can be nailed, screwed or stapled in place.

Be decorative – we threaded the stones on in the order they came out of our pockets, but you could select the sizes and orientation of the stones to look “right” for you. Kitechild-major attempted to lay our string out as a letter ‘B’, since we were in Bognor Regis Butlins at the time – if your strings are long enough, you could nail them to a fence in whatever patterns you want.
Solitary Witch- this witch is exactly as the name suggests. They're completely solitary and legend has it they've practiced the craft over many lifetimes. When they hit puberty it is said their craft re-awakens and they are able to remember everything about their craft from their past lives.

Art belongs to Jaikyll on DeviantArt

Tools are an important part of a witch's practice. However, you don't need ALL of these tools. Just whatever feels right for you.

Incense- used to attract certain energies into your life, banish spirits, represents air on the altar.
Crystals/gemstones- used for spells, used to attract certain energies into your life, used to represent earth on your altar.
Essential oils- used in aroma therapy and healings. Some can be used for the skin to relieve headaches and other pains, some are only to be put in a diffuser to help with sleep/sickness, and some can be ingested.*
Candles- used in magic, for sigils, and to represent fire on the altar.
Goblet- used for offerings to deities/spirits, to represent water on the altar.
Pentagram- used in spells, worn as a symbol of the craft, used to represent spirit on the altar.
Herbs/plants- used for spells and cooking, used to represent earth on the altar

A Complete Guide for the Baby Witch
Lilli  Behom
by LILLI BEHOM 3 years ago in RELIGION
Starting out as a witch can be hard. Here's a guide to make it a little easier.
A Complete Guide for the Baby Witch 
Witchcraft is hard if you're starting out, especially if you're a closet witch. So here is a little guide for all the baby witches out there. First, look at what kind of witch you want to be. There's a huge list out there and it's easy to get overwhelmed. But it's i

Couldren- used for spells and ceremonial purposes
Wand- used as a ritual for Imbolc, good for visualization and ceremonial purposes.
Athame- a dagger used in the practice, mostly for ceremonial purposes.
Book of Shadows/Grimoire- a magic book where spells and magic knowledge are kept. Usually written by the witch themselves or the witch's family.
*Some of these essential oils can be dangerous to pets, so do your research. It is also very important to dilute certain oils before making skin contact. This can be done with water, olive oil, coconut oil, and or almond oil.




Over time, you will learn how to overcome these problems, but you should be aware of them before you learn how to become a witch!

If you are ready to face the negative aspects of the life of a witch, then let’s continue learning!

Need to read this blog post offline? Download a PDF copy HERE. You can read it on your Kindle, ereader, or when you don’t have internet access. It’s also an easy way to add the info to your Book of Shadows! It also is a great way to support this blog so that I can keep writing more content for witches and pagans.

Decorative image of a witch's altar with a skull, pentacle, candles, red velvet altar cloth, and more
Study Witchcraft
First and foremost, a witch studies.

A lot.

Most witches spend their lives with their noses in a book, learning more about the world, the gods, nature, magick, and more.

But if you’re brand new to witchcraft, do you even know what you need to learn?

Learn What You Need To Learn
As a new witch, it can be hard to know what you need to research and study.

That’s why I wrote a blog post that reveals a few beginner topics that you can study, from the history of witchcraft to modern techniques and paths.

These are great topics to jump start your learning and will help you really dive into the different areas of witchcraft that you might be interested in.

You can read that blog post here: Things That Every Beginner Witch Should Research

The basics of what you want to research are:

History    The witch trials, old grimoires, what ingredients in old spells actually were, the legal history of witchcraft, the beginnings of Wicca, archaeology, anthropology
Modern witchcraft    Witch paths, modern legal issues for witches, paganism, neopaganism, reconstruction religions
Spells    The different kinds of spells, how to make your own spells, when you should use magick and when you shouldn’t, ethical concerns around spells
Divination    Tarot cards, palmistry, tea leaf reading, dice reading, bone reading, scrying
Folklore and mythology    Ancient myths, modern myths, folklore, old wive’s tales

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Step 7: The Science Bit
Flint is a particular kind of stone known as an evaporite. It is a little-known fact that almost anything will dissolve in water, even silicates (chemicals similar to sand and glass). It's just that not very much will dissolve. As the water evaporates, the dissolved solids are left behind.

Animals like zooplankton and sponges have a silica-based structure, which partly dissolves when they die. As a shallow sea evaporates, the silica is the first material to come out of solution. It tends to accumulate where there is already silica, so it builds up as nodules around specks of dead sponge. When the more-soluble carbonates come out of solution and form chalk, the nodules of silica get trapped in the matrix.

Native American spiritualities in particular tend to be appropriated, but you can find a way to incorporate basic beliefs into your practice without outright taking from a closed culture – for example, you can say “smoke cleansing” instead of “smudging” or “animal guides” instead of “spirit animals.”

Like I said, it can be hard to know what you can and can’t use because so much of witchcraft is a blend of things taken from historical cultures. If you don’t know if something is cultural appropriation or not, look it up. Especially if you’re a white person. We’ve stolen enough from other cultures already.

10. you don’t need to know everything

If I could tell you one thing, it’s this. No one knows anything. If they say they do (or make you feel bad for asking questions) they’re probably a jerk.T a hereditary witch if you're born into a family that practices witchcraft. However, witchcraft involves freedom of choice and you can choose to accept it or not.
Secular Witch- these witches don't believe in spirits or deities. They instead focus on the energies of nature. Usually these witches use stones, crystals, and herbs in their practices.
Shaman- these witches engage in shamanistic practices to reach altered states of conscientiousness. The point of this is to reach the spirit realm and communicate with good and evil spirits to channel their messages, performing divination, and healing.

Cosmic cycles & astrology    Moon cycles, Sun cycles, planetary cycles, traditional astrology, vedic astrology
Holidays    The wheel of the year, ancient cultural holidays
Recognizing cults    The BITE model, how to avoid joining cult-like covens
Tools and sacred spaces    Altars, tools, candles, and other supplies for witchcraft
Read the blog post linked above for more ideas of what you can research when you are just beginning as a witch.

And contrary to what your teachers told you, it’s fine to start with Wikipedia and other online sources!

Decorative image of a witch's altar with lit candles, a pentacle, and religious symbolism
Pick Up Books About Witchcraft
There was a time when books about witchcraft were fairly rare and hard to find.

Thanks to Lewellyn and other new age publishers, though, these books are more readily available than ever.

New books are published every month! And many of them are books for baby witches, so they are beginner friendly.

You can find books on love spells, money spells, Wicca, chaos magick, or even Luciferian magick.

10 Ways to Identify a Witch



you ask? It's definitely something you don't want to eat. You take the urine of the people who are thought to be under the spell of the witch in question, mix it with rye meal, and make a little patty. Then you feed the patty to a dog. Because some of the powers the witch used to cast a spell on the afflicted people were in their urine, when the dog eats the cake, it will hurt the witch, and she'll cry out in agony.

here’s no bonus points for being able to recite every poisonous plant by heart when pretty much anyone can do a Google search to find the same information.

I think you’ll be surprised at how quickly you DO learn, and in no time you’ll be able to rattle off all the things rose quartz is good for or what herbs can help an upset stomach. But there’s no pressure to memorize this stuff.

In fact, some of the best knowledge comes from DOING the thing. That’s the stuff you end up remembering. You never stop learning in witchcraft, and that’s the beauty of it. The trick is to be comfortable with not knowing, so you can invite more knowledge in.

So those are my 10 tips for the beginner witch! I might end up doing a part two of this post in the future because I could talk about this for days probably.

Do you have any tips or resources you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to check them out!


Augury Witch- similar to divination these witches look at omens and cosmic forces to guide someone on their spiritual quest.
Ceremonial Witch- as the name states it's a witch that holds ceremonies above all else. These witches mostly follow the oldest ceremonies.
Dianic Witch- this is a strictly female practice that worships the Roman Goddess Diana and is the ultimate form of feminism. Usually you can find these witches worshiping all three of Diana's aspects (the maiden, the crone, and the mother). This is biased off of the Dianic Wicca which came into being in the 1950's.
Druid-Many Druids meditation and ceremonies that mark important passages in nature engage in prayer, and worship nature. They follow a spiritual vision of life and don't follow any sacred texts.

Hedge Witch- these witches are often powerful healers and midwives. They're symbolized by a bird (often a raven) and are very spiritual in Earth based practices. These witches are like shamans in the fact their connected to the spirit realm and messengers for the spirits and living alike.
Hereditary Witch- this is exactly what it sounds like. You become


If the suspected witch is heavier or lighter than the stack of Bibles, then clearly she's guilty of evil-doing. If the scales balance out, she's in the clear. You can imagine that a perfect balance didn't happen often.

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