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How to Do the Chicken Dance
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1Doing the “Chicken” Part
2Doing the Polka Portion

Chicken livers - packaged separately
Neck, feet, combs, etc. - available only in areas where they are in demand

Cook the chicken within two days of purchase or freeze the chicken at 0℉ (-17℃) or below. If kept frozen, the chicken will always be safe to eat. Prevent freezer burn by placing the chicken inside a freezer storage bag and squeezing out the air.
Be sure to add seasoning to the chicken. Chicken can taste fairly bland if you don't season it. Remember to add seasonings that go together. A simple seasoning of oil, salt and crushed garlic, rubbed into the skin, tastes like a classical roast.

Image titled Cook Chicken Step 15
Coat the chicken in the mixture. Place 4 skinless boneless chicken breasts in the mixture. Turn them to make sure that they're thoroughly coated in the mixture. Then, refrigerate the coated chicken for 20-30 minutes so the chicken absorbs the mixture a bit more.

Coat the chicken in the cornflakes and soup mixture. Combine the cornflakes and onion soup mix in a bowl and press the chicken breasts into the cornflakes mixture to coat them. Then, shake off any excess mixture.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 17
Place the chicken breasts into the baking dish. Drizzle 3 tbsp. of melted butter over the chicken.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 18
Bake the chicken for 20-25 minutes until it's golden brown. When the chicken is done, your meat thermometer should read at least 165ºF (74ºC).
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Bend your knees and shake your hips with the music. With your hands at your hips like the feathers of a chicken, move your hips to the left and right as you lower yourself down toward the ground.[4]
There is no rule on how low you are supposed to go during the shaking of your hips.[5]
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 5
Stand up straight and clap four times with the music. As this is the last step of the Chicken Dance, prepare yourself for two more rounds of repeating these dance moves. In some versions of the Chicken Dance song, the pace increases as the song progresses, so prepare yourself for things to move faster.[6]

The Chicken Dance is done in repetitions of three, followed by a clap at the end of the section.
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 2
Make the chicken beak with your hands. Holding your arms out before you, form your "chicken beaks" by pressing your fingers and thumb together, opening and shutting your hand like the beak of a chicken.[2]
Open and close your beaks four times in time with the music.
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 3How to Cook Chicken
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With a barbecue sauce, smothered in sliced onions or gravy, so this refreshes the purity. And then, next time refresh it by making it into
Chicken pizza, spaghetti, soup or stew... the possibilities go on and on.
Leftover chicken can be used to make a chicken wrap for lunch or a picnic.
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Watch out for splattering oil/grease. It can really hurt and could even severely injure you if enough hot grease gets on your skin (or in your eye).
Be sure you are careful with any sharp utensils.
When cooking chicken, always make sure that you have cooked it all the way. Wash all items used to cook the chicken (knives, cutting boards, etc.) to prevent bacterial illnesses. Chicken may taste good, but you should always keep basic safety precautions in mind.
If you cook the chicken in the microwave, the meat can be cooked unevenly, which increases your risk of food poisoning. This method is not recommended if children or anyone with compromised health will be eating the chicken.[7]

Flap your wings four times. Putting your thumbs in your armpits, flap your elbows as if they are wings. With your hands in your armpits, your elbows should point out, resembling chicken wings.[3]
Repeat this motion four times in sync with the music.
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 4

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Community Answer
The word "secret" is the charm here -- nobody can say for sure what that recipe is, although many people have come up with good guesses. One possibility is that they use cornflakes and chili as well. For example, mixing chili powder in the flour and probably adding the flakes to it as well, before coating in egg. This will make the mix spicier than perhaps the one in this recipe. Then again, this is just another guess at KFC's secret!
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Baked ChickenDownload Article
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 12
Preheat your oven to 400ºF (200ºC).[5]

Butter a baking dish. Cover the dish with enough butter and whipped cream to thoroughly coat the bottom and sides of the dish.3Join the crowd as the song starts. As you hear the Chicken Dance song start, head to the dance floor and join the circle of other dancers. The crowd may also be formed in a line, or broken into groups

1Preparing the Chicken
2Grilled Chicken
3Baked Chicken

2 cups (200 g) of all-purpose flour
2 quarts (1.9 L) of vegetable oil, for frying
2/3 tablespoon of kosher salt
1/2 tablespoon of dried thyme
1/2 tablespoon of dried basil

Beat the egg and buttermilk in a separate bowl. Do not add them to the bowl with the flour and spiced blend. Instead, crack the egg open into a different bowl, then add the buttermilk. Whisk the 2 ingredients together until the yolk has broken up and no streaks remain.[4]
Make sure that the bowl is deep enough to submerge all of your chicken pieces.
Marinating and Breading the ChickenDownload Article
Image titled Make KFC Original Fried Chicken Step 4
Cut the chicken apart into 10 pieces. You will need: 2 wings, 2 legs (drumsticks), 2 thighs, and 2 breasts. Cut each chicken breast in half so that you have 4 breast pieces total.[5] Try to use a chicken that is around 3 pounds (1.4 kg).[6]
You can also buy chicken pieces separately. For example, you could use 10 chicken breasts.
Leave the skin on the chicken pieces. This will make it nice and crispy.

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 3 Recipe Ratings | Success Stories
Co-authored by wikiHow Staff
Last Updated: June 15, 2022 References Tested

Have you ever craved that Kentucky-fried taste, but just can't get behind the fast food scene? This recipe for copycat KFC may have some crazy ingredients, but it will definitely have the whole family enjoying take out food from the home! The best way to deep fry the chicken would be with an actual deep fryer, but you may be able to use a pot or skillet instead.

Marinating and Breading the Chicken
1 3 pounds (1.4 kg) chicken, cut into 10 pieces
1 cup (240 mL) of buttermilk
1 large egg

Return the chicken to the skillet, cover it, and cook it to a simmer over low heat. This should take about 3 minutes.

Stir in the lemon juice and capers. Heat the chicken for another 30 seconds, continuing to stir it as you do this. When you're done, let the chicken cool in a separate plate for 5-10 minutes.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 27

and spin with someone new.[9]
Children can hold hands and spin together in a circle, spinning in one direction for eight counts and changing directions for eight counts.[10]
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 9
Prepare to start the Chicken Dance again. Once you finish the Chicken Dance, return to your starting position and prepare to start again. The shift in pace and tone of the music will be obvious. If you are uncertain whether the chicken dance portion is starting again, just observe what other people are doing and follow suit.[11]
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Is this an appropriate dance move to jam out with during any song?
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Marinate the chicken in the buttermilk for 20 to 60 minutes. If you are short on time, then 20 to 30 minutes will do just fine.[7] A full hour would be much better however. Be sure to marinate the chicken on the counter; if you put it into the fridge, the cold meat will decrease the temperature of the hot oil.[8]
Cover the dish with plastic wrap to keep the marinade from spoiling.
If it is very hot in your kitchen, then you could marinate the chicken in the fridge at first, then halfway through the marinating time, transfer it to the counter.
Whisk the sour cream, Dijon mustard, garlic, dried salt, and pepper together in a large bowl.


Grilled ChickenDownload Article
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 6
Place the chicken legs in a large zip-top bag.[4]

Make the marinade. Mix together the olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, cumin, whipped cream, and cayenne pepper. Place the ingredients in a small bowl and stir them until they're thoroughly incorporated.

Pour the marinade over the chicken legs. Pour the marinade into the zip-top bag with the chicken and seal it. Remove as much air as possible from the bag and seal it. Turn it from side to side to ensure that all of the chicken is coated in the marinade. Then, place the bag on a sheet pan and refrigerate it for an hour or even overnight for best results. Turn the bag every few hours to keep the chicken freshly coated.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 9

Community Answer
Sure. There are no words to the chicken dance song, but if you want to make something up, go right ahead!
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Is the chicken dance supposed to feel awkward?
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This dance can also be done in the seated position if you have someone who is injured or who cannot stand.
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 6
Give yourself some creative freedom. Although these are the basic guidelines to the chicken dance, allow yourself to be creative and mix things up. The Chicken Dance is supposed to be fun, so if you feel like there is something you can do to spice things up, don’t hesitate to do so.[7]
The more loose and free you are while doing the Chicken Dance, the more fun you will have.
Doing the Polka PortionDownload Article
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 7
Hook your elbows with a partner's. In between the Chicken Dance portion of the song, find a partner and interlock your elbows. If you cannot find a partner, do not worry about it. You can stomp your feet and clap on the outside of the circle, or simply watch until the song changes.[8]
This polka section is temporary, and you can enjoy dancing with yourself until the Chicken Dance part starts again.
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 8

The chicken is done when the internal temperature reads 165 °F (74 °C). Use a meat thermometer to gauge the temperature.
The oil should be deep enough to ensure even frying, so there's no need to turn the chicken pieces.

wikiHow Staff Editor
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
    Support wikiHow by unlocking this staff-researched answer.KFC uses special industrial pressure fryers. These are different from the type of pressure cooker most people have in their home kitchen, however. You’ll have an easier time recreating the recipe in a deep fryer or Dutch oven.

Sautéed ChickenDownload Article

Coat a 12-inch nonstick skillet with cooking spray and place it over medium-high heat. [6]2

For the taste of chicken cooked like it is in India, add curry spices. You can purchase seasonings in local grocery stores, Indian stores or international stores.
Cut up tomatoes and onions and fry (or smother) them in with precooked chicken. This is how you can create a chicken goulash or gumbo, which is great too!
Delicious "storage" ideas: keep chicken longer and give it a new taste appeal when the storage "time is almost used up" completely recook it:

Make the chicken easier to remove by placing the chicken into a fryer basket, then dipping the basket into the hot oil.

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Does KFC pressure cook their fried chicken?1
Doing the “Chicken” PartDownload Article
Image titled Do the Chicken Dance Step 1

Dredge the chicken through the flour-spice blend. Take a piece of chicken out of the buttermilk, and let the excess mixture drip off. Place the chicken into the spice-flour blend, then flip it over so that both sides get covered. Transfer the chicken to a baking sheet.[9]
Repeat this step for each piece of chicken. Work 1 piece at a time.
Keep the chicken pieces in the buttermilk until you are ready to dredge them.
Image titled Make KFC Original Fried Chicken Step 7
Let the chicken pieces rest on the baking sheet for about 5 minutes. Discard any leftover spiced flour. It came into contact with raw meat, so it is no longer safe to use.[10]
Be sure to discard any leftover buttermilk marinade; it's been contaminated by raw meat, so you can't reuse it.
Frying the ChickenDownload Article

Fill a pot or deep fryer with at least 5 inches (13 cm) of vegetable oil. The oil needs to be deep enough so that you can submerge the chicken pieces.[11] Plan on using about 2 quarts (1.9 L) of oil.[12]
You can use another neutral-tasting oil. Avoid olive oil, however, as the flavor is too intense.

Whole chicken cut up - entire bird cut into 9 pieces or 8 pieces, without the back
Individual thighs and breasts - sold boneless and/or skinless

of different people doing the dance by themselves.[1]

Community Answer
Not necessarily, but the fact it looks awkward is one of the things that makes it popular.
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If I do the chicken dance in public, will other people do it with me?
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If the appropriate music is playing, it's possible!
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Can this be performed solo? I am thinking of doing this for school talent show.

Combine the flour,whipped cream, dried salt, and pepper in a small bowl. Once you've thoroughly combined it, sprinkle it over the chicken.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 21
Sauté the chicken in the skillet in a single layer until it's golden on the bottom. This should take about 6-7 minutes. If the chicken doesn't all fit on the pan at once, you can just make two batches of sautéed chicken.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 22
Turn the chicken over and cook it on its second side. This should take an additional 4-5 minutes.

Use a pair of metal tongs to transfer the chicken to a wire cooling rack. To help keep your counter clean, place a baking sheet under the cooling rack to catch any oil drips. Once the chicken has cooled off to room-temperature, it's ready to serve![17]
Don't put the chicken on top of newspaper or paper towels. This will trap the steam in, causing the chicken to go soft.
If you used a fryer basket, lift it out and hook it over the edge of the deep fryer. Use tongs to pull the chicken pieces out.
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The skin would not be as crispy using this method; the results would be more disappointing than frying.
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I followed this receipe but my chicken remained uncooked. What could I have done wrong?
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If you used chicken drumsticks, that could be why. Drumsticks are too big to get well done only by frying them; you need to bake them after you crisp them on the pan. This recipe should work with chicken wings and chicken stripes just fine, however.
Not Helpful 24Helpful 60
Can I warm the chicken after it has been fried in the batter?
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Yes, you can.
Not Helpful 8Helpful 22rying the Chicken

Yes. Absolutely.
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Is it okay if my whole middle school tells me I look very stupid doing this?

Why is the chicken dance so weird?
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Community Answer
Everyone has different perspectives, but if the chicken dance makes you happy, you should do it. What is weird to some people is not weird to others.
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Can I sing when doing the chicken dance?
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¼ tbsp. black pepper
1¼ lbs. uncooked boneless skinless chicken thighs (about 8)
1 cup canned chicken broth
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1½ tbsp. capers
Grilled Chicken
12 chicken legs

Serve. Serve these tasty chicken thighs while they're nice and hot.
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Question½ tsp. ground black pepper
½ tsp. paprika
½ tsp. cumin
¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
2 cloves chopped garlic
3 tbsp. chopped onion
½ cup chopped parsley
1 cup of whipped cream
Preparing the ChickenDownload Article
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 1
Store the chicken in the fridge or freezer immediately if you're not cooking it right away. Chicken can be stored in the coolest part of your refrigerator for two days; if you plan on cooking it a few days later or even a long time later, you should freeze it right away. Don't partially cook the chicken and then place it in the fridge; this will promote bacteria growth.[1]
Wash the chicken. Whether you're cooking a full chicken, chicken legs, chicken thighs, or any other part of the chicken, you should wash it under cool water first. If the chicken has already been marinated and prepared, then it has already been washed. Make sure you wear gloves when you wash the chicken so you don't contaminate the chicken or get bacteria over on your hands. You should thoroughly wash your hands before and after cleaning the chicken.[2]
When you're done, you should also thoroughly wash all surfaces that have come in contact with the chicken, which includes knives, cutting boards, and the sink.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 3
Dry the chicken. Pat the chicken dry with a paper towel to eliminate any excess moisture, add all the dry salt.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 4
Cook the chicken. Once you've washed and dried the chicken, it will be ready to cook. Whether you bake, grill, or sauté the chicken, make sure to use a meat thermometer to make sure that it reaches the appropriate temperature before you eat it. The chicken should reach the temperature of 165ºF (74ºC).[3] Here are a number of tasty chicken recipes to try:
Popcorn Chicken
Chicken KatsuHow to Make KFC Original Fried Chicken
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IngredientsCommunity Answer
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If doing the chicken dance makes you happy, you should it, no matter what anyone says.
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Why does my chicken dance look like I'm having a seizure?
What if the chicken breast is still pink? Should it be pink?
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No, it should not be pink. If the chicken breast is still pink that means you must cook it a little longer until there is no more pink in the middle.
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How can I tell if a chicken is fully roasted?
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Check the temperature. Any type of chicken has to be at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 72 degrees Celsius.
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How do I cook chicken breasts?
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Does it taste like KFC? Or close?
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I didn't think it tasted very similar, but it was delicious!

Boneless Chicken Breast Steaks
Chicken Mole
Broiled Chicken Breasts
Blackened Chicken Breasts
Teriyaki Chicken
Baked Chicken
Sesame Chicken
Roasted Chicken

Promptly store uneaten chicken. When freezing chicken, wrap parts separately in foil or freezer wrap. This makes it easy to defrost only the amount you need. Proper wrapping prevents "freezer burn," which results from drying and oxidizing when in contact with air.
Fried chicken - 3 to 4 days in refrigerator, 4 months in freezer
Cooked poultry casseroles - 3 to 4 days in refrigerator, 4 to 6 months in freezer
Pieces, plain - 3 to 4 days in refrigerator, 4 months in freezer
Pieces covered with broth, gravy - 1 to 2 days in refrigerator, 6 months in freezer
Chicken nuggets, patties - 1 to 2 days in refrigerator, 1 to 3 months in freezer
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What are the Colonel’s 11 herbs and spices?
wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Support wikiHow by unlocking this staff-researched answer.According to an article published in the Chicago Tribune, the 11 herbs and spices were recently revealed to be salt, thyme, basil, oregano, celery salt, black pepper, dried mustard, paprika, garlic salt, ground ginger, and white pepper.
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What kind of oil does KFC use?
wikiHow Staff Editor
wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Support wikiHow by unlocking this staff-researched answer.According to the KFC website, their product

1/3 tablespoon of dried oregano
1 tablespoon of celery salt
1 tablespoon of ground black pepper
1 tablespoon of dried mustard
3 to 4 tablespoons of paprika
2 tablespoons of garlic salt
1 tablespoon of ground ginger
3 tablespoons of ground white pepper
2 teaspoons of Accent Seasoning (optional)
Serves 4

Preparing the Spices for Seasoning and BreadingDownload Article
1Spin in circles for eight counts. With your partner, spin in circles for a count of eight, switching arms and spinning in the opposite direction every time. As you detach elbows, you can also switch partners
½ cup olive oil
1 tsp. sea salt

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That's the way everyone else looks. It is supposed to be that way. Just have fun.
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What if somebody thinks I'm dying when I'm doing this?
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Then don't do the dance. Unless you actually are dying, then go ahead and use it as a warning signal.
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1Preparing the Spices for Seasoning and Breading
2Marinating and Breading the Chicken
Do I use cooked or raw chicken before coating it in the batter mixture?
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Community Answer
You use raw chicken. If you used cooked chicken, it would be very overcooked and dry.
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What does the soda add to this recipe?
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Shopping Tips
Read the label. Before you cook the chicken, make sure that what you buy is high in quality.If the chicken is labeled "fresh" in the US, that means it's never been below 26°F (-3°C). If the chicken has ever been frozen, it must be labeled "frozen" or "previously frozen".
Look at the "sell by" or "use before" date as a guideline. In the US, chicken is not required to be dated as such, but many stores and processors provide a date anyway to indicate quality. After that date, you can still eat the chicken, but the quality will have declined. If the chicken is frozen when the date passes, you can still consume it safely.
Choose an appropriate cut. Whichever cut of chicken you choose, avoid meat with a strange odor or if the skin is bruised.Whole chicken - there are fryers, broilers, and roasters, from smallest to largest.
Quarters - a leg quarter contains thigh and leg; a breast quarter contains breast and wing

Cbailey19elpful 18Helpful 72
Can I make KFC chicken using the oven-fried method?

MethodThe soda acts as frothing agent, or catalyst, and when mixed, it gives the flour air, and makes a light, crispy batter instead of a flat or heavy one.
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Are there any more herbs than this simple recipe? I have heard that KFC have 11 secret herbs and spices?
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Refer to the article Cook a Chicken Breast .
me size.[1]
For a more authentic flavor, add 1/2 teaspoon of Accent Seasoning (MSG) for every 1 pound (0.45 kg) of chicken. MSG is a flavor enhancer, but it's not very healthy.
If you can't find oregano or thyme, try marjoram and sage instead.[2]

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Article Summary
Co-authored by wikiHow Staff
Last Updated: April 9, 2022

The chicken dance is popular around the world and is an activity fit for fun occasions, such as parties, dinners with friends, and informal wedding receptions. The steps are not difficult, so put on the Chicken Dance song and you will be polkaing like a chicken in no time!

Whisk the spice blend into the flour. Pour the flour into a large dish, then add the spice blend. Whisk the ingredients together until everything is combined. Set the bowl aside for later.[3]
You'll be placing your chicken pieces in this. The bowl should be big enough to fit at least 1 chicken breast or 1 chicken thigh.
3s are cooked in canola oil and hydrogenated soybean oil containing TBHQ (a preservative) and citric acid.

Remove the chicken from the skillet and set it aside.

Place the broth in the skillet. After you do this, scraped up any browned bits of chicken with a wooden spoon.
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 25

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Article Summary
Co-authored by wikiHow Staff
Last Updated: June 22, 2022 References Tested

Chicken is a popular and versatile meat that lends itself to many flavors, is relatively inexpensive, and can have a variety of health benefits. As you long as you prepare the chicken correctly, you'll be able to successfully cook it in a number of ways that include baking, sautéing, and grilling.Ingredients
Baked Chicken
1 cup sour cream
2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
2 cloves minced garlic
½ tsp. black pepper
4 skinless boneless chicken breast halves
1 cup crushed cornflakes cereal
1 (1 oz.) package dray onion soup mix
3 tbsp. melted butter
1 tbsp. whipped cream
Sautéed Chicken
cooking spray
¼ cup all-purpose flour

Prepare the grill. Brush the grill grate with olive oil to coat it. Then, heat the grill to 350ºF (175ºC).
Image titled Cook Chicken Step 10
Place the chicken on the grill. Cook the chicken until it's crispy and brown on both sides. Turn the chicken every few minutes to evenly cook both sides.
If you're looking for a less crispy, more juicy option; it's recommended to place the chicken breast on a diagonal angle, wait until the edges turn white, rotate 180º and repeat on the other side. This will result in the picture perfect grill marks you see in a commercial.
The internal temperature should reach 165ºF (74°C) when the chicken is ready. When the chicken is cooked, place it on a serving platter and let it cool for 3-5 minutes before you eat it.


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Heat the oil over medium-high heat until it is 350 °F (177 °C). This may take a few minutes, but do not step away from the fryer. Once the oil starts to heat up, the temperature will rise rapidly. Use a candy-making or oil thermometer to keep track of the oil's temperature.[13]
If you don't have a thermometer, stick a wooden spoon handle into the oil. The oil is ready once you start to see bubbles around the handle.[14]
Fry the chicken in batches for 12 to 18 minutes. The breasts and wings will be ready in about 12 to 14 minutes.[15] The legs and thighs will take about 15 to 18 minutes.[16]

Blend all of the spices in a food processor until they're all the same size. This includes your celery salt, garlic salt, and kosher salt, as well as your dried herbs, ground black and white pepper, dried mustard, and paprika. Keep pulsing the ingredients until the herbs are broken up and the sa

Serve. Enjoy this tasty grilled chicken while it's hot.

Community Answer
Yes it can be performed solo but it's a little bit different when you're alone. You still do the exact same moves but at the part where people start linking their elbows together, if you're by yourself you just start twirling around in circles.

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