Macedonia "Vs." Bulgaria

7. 3. 2016 - 12.00

Erasmus On Air je v novem semestru ponovno oživel! V prvi oddaji bosta govorila Deni iz Bolgarije in Milisav iz Makedonije, v kateri bosta predstavila zgodovino medsosedskih odnosov držav, iz katerih prihajata. Poglejte si napovednik.


Erasmus On Air is back on air in the new semester! In the first broadcast will Deni from Bulgaria and Milisav from Macedonia present historical context about neighbouring relations between the countries they come from. Watch the video.

The word standing between two neighboring nations is a concept which can be explained by both social and historical perspectives. “Versus” demonstrates abrasive ties existing among the ordinary people, among this social class that has the propensity of being simplistic when an issue demands sophisticated observations. And again “versus” shows how differently could be the history concerning same happenings in two separate border regions.






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