Mere Mortals, Hero Dishonest, Ex-Dom, Juventud podrida, Warg, Past Forward, Smacked, Debeli precjednik
 / 9. 4. 2024
Farsa, Attack Warning Red, Debeli precjednik, Toxic Rite, Raw Peace, Global Thermonuclear War, Cux, Tožibabe
 / 30. 5. 2023
Mr. Moonlee in pisana hrvaška druščina
 / 19. 12. 2017
Katastrof, Dödsrit, Kohti tuhoa, Slime, Discordance, Poor Excuse, Burako, Fuse, Pankrti, FOB
 / 17. 10. 2017
Urban Vietkong, Kontatto, Martyrdöd, Los coketos, Emergency Broadcast, Demoralized, The Business
 / 6. 12. 2016
Cliterate, Voidfiller, Dead on parole, Debeli precjednik, Mašinko, Dispuste, Haltlose, Omega Tribe, Rules
 / 20. 9. 2016
War//Plague, Debeli precjednik, Dödläge, Extreme Smoke 57, Albtraum, Crise Total, No FX,
 / 9. 8. 2016
Intervju z dr. Aleksandrom Dopliharjem
 / 14. 7. 2015
Revés, Besta, Worms Feed, Concrete Worms, Zrada, Suicide Bombers, Harakiri, Lagwagon, Debeli precjednik
 / 31. 3. 2015
Anti-cimex, Dropdead, Agnosy, Action Sédition, Spanner, Street of Rage, Bomber, Human Host Body, D. precjednik
 / 2. 12. 2014
Dishope, Assässini, Rancid, Iskra, Link, Absolutist, Debeli precjednik, Save the Embers, Cloudburst, Warmouth.
 / 21. 10. 2014
Pazahora, Enslave, III kategorija, Čao pičke, Debeli precjednik, Tožibabe, Left To Starve, Irrsinn,
 / 30. 9. 2014
10-letnica praznovanja neodvisne založbe Moonlee Records
 / 30. 6. 2014
Displease, Diskobra, Kohosh, Skaven, Deczcs, Gavrilo Princip, Debeli Precjednik, Corrupt Leaders,
 / 24. 6. 2014
Contrasto, Black Violettes, Rat Vandals, Debeli precjednik, Absurdo, No White Rag, Passive Aggressive
 / 13. 11. 2012
Led By Fear, Divine Spark, Resist, Anti-Flag, Debeli precjednik, Deez Nuts, 7 seconds...
 / 14. 8. 2012
Krömosom, Martyrdöd, Last Legion Alive, Baka Yaro, Vestiges, Ghaust, Debeli precjednik, City Rats...
 / 3. 7. 2012
Z albumom Bruto Slavo/VBK so Debeli precjednik dosegli novi "touchdown"
 / 3. 7. 2012
Tear Me Down "Il Tempo Cambia"
Nove plošče Debeli precjednik, Victims, Tear me Down, D-Clone, System Fucker, Beda, Adelitas, Iodine
 / 15. 5. 2012
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