Not Just Another Punk Rock Night

3. 7. 2012 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y 8 1 1 / 1 1 0 6 torek, 3/7.2012. ob 23-ih

Novi plošči avstralskih Krömosom in švedskih Martyrdöd kot tudi split indonezijskih Ghaust in ameriških Vestiges. Slednji bodo tudi igrali v Ljubljani, kot tudi Last Legion Alive, Hard Charger, Baka Yaro, Pennywise in Debeli precjednik. V Zagrebu bodo City Rats.

KRÖMOSOM -  "Paranoid" EP

– Shapeshifter

– Bred To Lose

– Paranoid

MARTYRDÖD - "Paranoia" CD

– Paranoia

– En Tragisk Zeitgeist

– Det Sker Samtidgt

- Hor Varldens Rop

GHAUST - split ep w/. Vestiges

– Amongst The Ashes


- VI

LAST LEGION ALIVE - split LP w/. Hellstorm

– Glorious Dead

HARD CHARGER - "This Machine Is Driving" CD

– Total Fucking Blackout

– This Pack Will Roam

BAKA YARO  - split w./ Gelo

– Soylent Green

CITY RATS - "Rat Race On A Rotting Planet"

– Party 'till Death

– Immigrant

– Just Another Punk Rock Day

PENNYWISE - "All Or Nothing" CD

– Revolution


– Puška ne ubija ljude



Od koncertov:

(sreda) 4.7. Ljubljana, Gromka; Vestiges, Last Legion Alive;

(sreda) 4.7. Zagreb, Medika: City Rats, Abergaz, Dvajzdekašpeka;

(četrtek) 5.7. Ljubljana, Gala Hala: Pennywise, Debeli precjednik;

(petek) 6.7. Ljubljana, Rog: Hard Charger, Baka Yaro;

20. Monte Paradiso Festival, Pula (2.8-4.8.2012): Antisect, Inner terrestrials, Spermbirds, Argies, MDX, Sentence, Hard Skin, Because The Bean, See You In Hell, Burial, Green Moon Sparks, Dislike, Corrosive, Nulla Osta, Deafness By Noise, Kurwa Aparata, Aktivna Propaganda, Bolesno Grinje in AK 47.

Martyrdod - En Tragisk Zeitgeist
Last Legion Alive

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