Exit to Enter

9. 8. 2016 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y  1 0 2 3 / 1 3 1 8 torek, 9/8.2016. ob 23-ih

Debeli precjednik pripravljajo novo ploščo, video je že zunaj. Dödläge iz Portlanda imajo prvi album, War//Plague iz Minneapolisa pa drugi. Nekaj več komadov z novega albuma Extreme Smoke 57. Prvo kaseto imajo Albtraum iz Mehike, kompilacijski album pa anarcho punkerji Crise Total iz Lizbone. Poslušali bomo nekaj bandov, ki bodo igrali na letošnjim Punk Rock Holiday: Total Chaos, No FX, Millencolin, Agnostic Front in Jelo Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine.


DEBELI PRECJEDNIK – Subotom Kićo, nedjeljom Slabinac (2016)

RØST - EP 2016

– Lobotomiert

DÖDLÄGE - "Ritual Slaughter" LP (2016, Profane existance)

– Victims of a Drug War

– Draconian Law

WAR//PLAGUE - "Carrion" LP (2016, Organize and Arise)

– Exit To Enter

- Fermentation

– Downpour

- Shadows

EXTREME SMOKE 57 - "Corruption Deteriorates" 10" (2016)

– Besede

- Strahovlada

– Kri in meso

- Ebola Rising

ALBTRAUM - "Agni" MC (2016)

– El peor juego

– Escupe tu identidad

CRISE TOTAL - "Crise Total" CD (2016)

- Depressão

– Derrame de sangue

- Foi Portugal

TOTAL CHAOS - "World of Insanity" CD (2015)

– Destination to Destruction

NO FX - 2016

– Six Years On Dope

MILLENCOLIN - "True Brew" EP (2015, Epitaph records)

– True Brew

AGNOSTIC FRONT - "American Dream Died" CD (2015)

– Social Justice

JELLO BIAFRA AND GUANTANAMO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE - "White people and the damage done" CD (2013, Alternative Tentacles)

– Burgers of Wrath


Od koncertov:

(petek) 13.8. N. Gorica, Mostovna: Debeli precjednik, Pigs parlament;


Debeli precjednik
Crise Total

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