Like Tears In Rain

21. 1. 2013 - 21.00

''Isn't it amazing how time never stops?
It's all different to us but the same to the clock...
As I study it over, it leaves me in a maze.
Seconds after minutes, after hours, after days!
And just one little thing be stickin' in my mind:
No matter what I'm doing, I'm running out of time.

Kilo - Tick Tock *


Janek Schaefer - His Master's Voices
Yard - Vocadef
Loops Haunt - Zenith
Jon Convex - Fade (G.Vump Remix)
Danny Scrilla - Magellanic Clouds (forthcoming Civil Music)
Moiré - Into
Bon Iver - Woods
Jai Paul - BTSTU
Hieroglyphic Being - Cosmicos 8
Jeff Keen - Rayday Readings
Taylor Deupree - Negative Snow
DJ Sotofett - Sta Opp Med Sola (Chiang Mai Versjon) (excerpt)
Robert Glasper Experiment feat. Shafiq Husayn - Lift Off/Mic Check
Andrés - Don't Fall In
Missing Linkx - I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night


JOURNALIST: There’s been a lot of controversy surrounding the use of the N-Word in this movie and-

JACKSON: No, nobody, none- The word would be…?

JOURNALIST: (sigh) Oh, I can’t say it.

JACKSON: Why not?

JOURNALIST: I don’t like to say it.

JACKSON: Have you ever said it?


JACKSON: Try it.

JOURNALIST: I don’t like to say it.


JOURNALIST: Really? Seriously?

JACKSON: We’re not gonna have this conversation unless you say it.


JACKSON: You wanna move on to another question?

JOURNALIST: Okay. Awesome.

JACKSON: (laughs)

JOURNALIST: I… I don’t like to say it.

JACKSON: Oh come on!

JOURNALIST: Will you say it?

JACKSON: (turning serious) No, fuck no. That’s not the same thing.

JOURNALIST: Why do you want me–

JACKSON: They’re gonna bleep it when you say it. On your show–

JOURNALIST: I know, but–


JOURNALIST: I can’t, I- If I say it, this portion won’t make it to air.

JACKSON: Okay, forget it.

JOURNALIST: Okay, I’ll skip it. Sorry, guys. It was a good question.

JACKSON: No it wasn’t.

JOURNALIST: It was a great question.

JACKSON: It wasn’t a great question if you can’t say the word.

* to fully appreciate it, listen to the DJ Screw Remix (1993)

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it's the dark corners, the little shadowy places that make you interesting, Deckard ...

Deupree - Shoals

in podčrtam Loops Haunt.

bom poslusal, thx. tale loops haunt rez je pa res... izjemen. ne vem zakaj, ampak spomni me na neutral milk hotel - engine in zakljucek delicatessen (1991). najbrz ta pojoca zaga, pogled na lj s posevne, opecnate strehe in brezcasnost jungla


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