Atomic death

6. 8. 2019 - 23.00
 / Subway

S U B W A Y  1 1 7 9 / 1 4 5 4 torek, 6. 8. 2019 ob 23-ih

Hiroshima&Nagasaki - Kalashnikov in Mardröm. Na nevarnost jedrskega orožja bodo opozorili tudi metal punksi iz Malezije Atomicdeath. Poslušali bomo tudi nove posnetke denverskih crusterjev Diisbömber ter hitri hc punk Starvation iz Vancouverja in crust Crüeldäde iz Brazilije. Punk Rock Holiday: La armada, Cronos debe morir, Exploding Head Syndrome, Anti-Lam Front, Drunktank in Good Riddance. 

KALASHNIKOV - "Mama anarhia" LP (2018)
– Da Hiroshima al futuro
ATOMICDEATH - "Phanotms of the new realm" EP (2019)
– War Child
– Atomicdeath
DIISBÖMBER - "The Age Of darkness and Death" + "Dowm in the Trenches" EP (2019)
– The Age Of Darkness And Death
– Weapons of Chaos
– Mass Death and Destruction
CRÜELDÄDE - "Pesadelo final" (2019)
– Pesadelo final
– Controle
– Humanidade maldita
– Crueldade
STARVATION - "Nuclear Suicide" (2019)
– Wasting Life
– Industry Noose
– City Stench
LA ARMADA  - "Anti-colonial vol. 1" (2018)
– The Balance Of Terror
– The Auction
CRONOS DEBE MORIR - "Sindrome escafandra " EP (2019)
– En otro lugar
DRUNKTANK - "The Return of Infamous Four" CD (2019)
– We Want More
EXPLODING HEAD SYNDROME - "hardcore Jesus" EP (2019)
– Hardcore Jesus

ANTI-LAM FRONT - "Tidlig anti-lam front" CD (2018)

– Livet's harde skole!!!

GOOD RIDDANCE - "Thoughts and paryers" LP (2019, Fat Wreck)

– Edmund Pettus Bridge
MARDRÖM - split w/ Goiftgasattack (2009)
– Glöm.Aldrig.Nagasaki

Od koncertov:

(ponedeljek-petek) 5.–9. 8. Tolmin, Punk Rock Holiday 1.9: Less than Jake, Sick of it all, Pennywise, Ignite, Propagandhi in mnogi drugi; povezava na spored je tudi na ssršvrs

(petek-sobota) 9.–10. 8. Rijeka, 4# Empeduja Punk Festival: Cimex, Vivere merda, Kurve, Flaška Visočini, Beyond The Borders, .upset, Drotpad, Fried Brain;

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